Test Report on New Mac OB


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Andy Smith

Hi, My name is Andy Smith from Florida . I am new to International Waters. I have just purchased a new Mac 21 OB and thought you guys would like to hear about it. I currently race a Leecraft XTR21 with a nova rossi. It is a pretty competetive boat here in Florida. Friday I assembled the Mac Motor and Sunday got to run it. I ran about 5 tanks of fuel through it and then started to lean it up. In no time it was competetive to my Nova Rossi. After a few more adjustments it was easy to see that the boat was running faster then it has ever run. I believe that Andy Brown has hit on a good combination and I don't think I will be going through all the teething problems that I did with the Nova Rossi. Andy eliminated a lot of the problems, a good PTO, a .295 carb., good timing. And cheaper then my Nova Rossi, and fixing there problems :- Basic set up on the boat, Jim Irwin's tune pipe, 1440 prop. I have Mark Hopper's tune pipe and a quite version, rossi pipes, and a tune pipe muffler of Jim's so I am sure that I will have a lot more testing ahead of me. I don't think you will be disappointed with the motor. Andy S.
You can do some mods to it and it will be even faster. I have been thinking of putting one on my Villian.
To: Nitro Junkie

I don't think that mods to the engine is the answer. From the short time that I have played with it, you have a whole lot to work with. I don't know anything about the Villian, but I think the answer is going to be the set up. Good Luck, Andy
It sounds like it's a winner !!!! If Andy get's a leg to go with the engine , K&B might as well close the doors !!!!! ;D

Now we will see what CMB , NOVA ROSSI , ROSSI can step up to the table with !!! It's put up or shut up time !!! They will have to stay in the price range of the Mac to be competitive and do it right out of the box .

I think this will be the making of some of the best engines ever made , competition will breed the best they can make !!! But !! Were will the price be ??
Your right, you will get alot more with setup. I understand that. But once you get the setup right then some mods will be much faster. I like to go fast! Dont you? ;D
You guys are something else, I will believe it when it out runs us, talk is cheap. Speed does not always win. Boats that can handle an run consistent do. I am sure that the MAC is a good powerplant but guys it's early in the game. I am glad there is a new .21 out there. Not many mod. motors on the market for the .21 outboards.

Tim ;D .02

p.s. as for price the CMB & Rossi are cheaper, The Nova Rossi inboard motor is also cheaper. With the OB kit it is higher. Remember speed cost money how fast do you want to go!!!!!!!!!!
Tim I have to stur up something !!!! ;D

I had a little stick sturring but it didn't stink enough so I got a bigger stick !!

;) :p
Re: Running the MAC on a Villain

The Villain S1 is a great boat, but it's really not designed for a powerful 3.5 OB and I think Mike Z. would be the second to say this. He cannot be the first, since I already said it. This is why Mike is working on a larger Villain.

Last summer, after running the Villain S1 and realizing it had some excellent design concepts, I basically just enlarged the boat to 30". This design has proven to work really well at 30" with a CMB Green Head 21.

Check the Villian page for the work Gene did with the Villain and the Nova Rossi.

My MAC 21 OB has yet to arrive, but when it does it's not going to sit around the shop very long!!

Jerry D.
Re: Running the MAC on a Villain

The Villain S1 is a great boat, but it's really not designed for a powerful 3.5 OB and I think Mike Z. would be the second to say this. He cannot be the first, since I already said it. This is why Mike is working on a larger Villain.
Tunnelbill said the same thing about a year ago when the S1 was made available for sale. His modified Novarossi was just too much for it to be a consistent race boat.
Jerrys right

Putting a HP motor on the villain would be a bad idea. The boat builds to light for this type of power.

Well please note the disclaimer at my posts, SAW only!!!

Its way cool to overpower a lite hull, but its not for everybody in driving or results, Fine line stuff fer sure.

Besides a stock S-1 and a SS kicks butt right outta the box.

Gene ;D