temporary server alert!/Update!!!


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i'm going to be working on the .21 shootout page on the server for the next 30 minutes or so...... be warned..... it will really be chugging now!
Re:temporary server alert!

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in C:Inetpubiwatersyabbseindex.php on line 52

I guess trying to insert 66 pictures at once was a bad idea...... ill try again :p
Re:temporary server alert!

when i woke up this morning the forum was totally hosed! it was displaying that out of memory message. I think thats because I left ms frontpage running. sorry about that. It wasn't always this slow... but thoes of you that know windows..... it has a tendancy to slow down as your OS install gets old. I have been trying to use linux for my workstation so i might get comfortable enough with it to use as a server but i dont think I am yet. It seems pretty quirky and i dont think I know it well enough yet. I will have to see.... I know mandrake 9 will be out very soon and it will have apache 2 and that would be cool but who knows??? I can run a win2000server in my sleep....
Re:temporary server alert!

What happens is when the program running, uses up all the ram, windows uses the swap file on the hard drive and Chug - Chug, I am G e t t i n g S l o w e r.......... :p

The Linux servers are supposed to be SUPER FAST,

Gene ;D


Hey Guy's

Tom had a few tech probs and got them ironed out today, ;) Site and Forum are back, Sorry for any inconvience, Now get ta POSTIN!!!!!

Gene ;D