spray flotation?


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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2003
have any of you ever seen that spray on foam product.

I was wonderin if its allright to use in rc boats

From what I have heard, it is not a good idea. Not fuel proof, & will absorb water. Go to the store & buy those "pool noodles” they make great floatation!
Pool noodles work the best, you can cut them, nylon tie them. the spray stuff, will blow apart your hull if not carefull. and they do after time absorb water.

even ziplock bags filled with packing peanuts work.

but pool noodles work the best, and they have great floation.

Pipe insulation also works

line the outside of the stringers with them, your good to dunk it.

"Avoid the Noid" that spray stuff is the kiss of death since it really never stops growing. All it'll take is for a really hot day and the stuff will start expanding and will blow your boat up.

If you deciede not to listen and use the stuff, "a litttle dab will do"!