SpeedWeek 2019


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Glenn & Donna,

The water looks great. Martin keeps setting the bar higher and higher.

On the plane right now to Valdosta, should arrive at 10:31 pm. Looking

forward to some sunshine tomorrow morning.


Nice to get out in the sunshine today

a little breezy, but you cannot beat the weather or the company here.

Nice Job Everyone,

Mark Sholund
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Lots of good running today, but no new records. Danny King did get his 105 mph patch with a sweet pass of 106.8! He was driving an twin SG with Nova 91’s. Congrats Danny!
Any videos/photos to share Glenn? 

Also Glenn will you be running another event there this year or only one, as would be interested later this year. 

Any videos/photos to share Glenn? 

Also Glenn will you be running another event there this year or only one, as would be interested later this year. 

I’m not sure if anyone took any videos today... I’m sure Donna took lots of awesome pics. I’ll see if we can get some posted!

I only do this event once a year. I would love to do it more often, but it generally cost me a lot of money and time away from work/guitar building!

Would love to have you come join us !!
Martin and I were having fun running our 12 SAW boats against each other this morning...he won this round ! My top speed with my new boat was 92ish and his was just over 100.He then put his oval sponsons on it and smoked the two lap record! It was about 19.xxx and when he was all done it is now 17.740!

I will try to post a video later.

Thanks for posting Glen, gives us northerner's something to look forward to in a few months.

Man, you make that course look small MTJ!  Congratulations!  :)