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Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2014
Posted on RCU by Bob Agnew.

Millar Agnew { international hobbies } pass away this week another great hobbies lost . a quote from Bob Agnew ..Hi Everyone

Unfortunately I have some sad news for everyone .

My father, Millar Agnew, sadly passed away last week. He was 87 years old and had been suffering from Dementia quite seriously for some time.

It had got quite bad and most pof the time he did not recognise anyone. He did however live to see two great grandchildren born.

I mention this because it meant that he did not suffer towards the end and I think his passing was quite peaceful for him and was painless.

I have been monitoring all your posts for some time now and quite often used to take photos off the site in to show him and told him about the things you were all doing with the products that bore our name and were such a big part of his life.

On the few occasions that he was lucid and on good form he was really interested in what you were all doing and for that I thank you all for the pleaseure you gave him.

Thank you all again for the enthusiasm and interesting posts that you filed

Kindest Regards

Bob Agnew
I first met Millar in the early eighties at the the Chicago boat show (full size boats) and was immediately impressed with his products. I took on a dealership and sold alot of AMPS/International Hobbies boats and engines. If only they could build something that great today!!! I rate his contributions, to model boating, right up there with CMB,Novarossi and OS Max. He will be sorely missed of us that knew him!

Bob Kensill
Bob, here is the RCU AMPS thread. There are people that are putting the AMPS / IH products back on the market. Tony R had a stroke a few months back. He is (was?) trying to sell all the AMPS/IH hulls / molds due to his recent condition. Would be nice to have all the boats back out.
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I remember visiting Miller at his place in England when we were stationed there in the early 90's.

HE was proud to show me his Washer and Dryer he brought back with him from the states. (yes they were

converted to 240 AC)

he also showed me his tentative line of out board props he was planning on coming out with.

they had multiple pitches for the same diameter series of props. (now where have i seen THAT before?)

He will deffinately be missed by all that ever met him and knew him.

carl cisneros