Setup ideas for a blizzard outrgger


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Apr 8, 2003
I just finished painting my first outrigger. It is the blizzard from climate boat works. I need to choose a motor, esc and hardware. I can't go brushless yet (the wife won't let me), but any ideas would be appreciated.
Nice looking boat you've got there. Explain to her or let her see this, that a brushless motor is cheaper in the long run. You won't be out buying a new brushed motor every few months, replacing brushes, getting your commutator turned and a lot less maintenance so that you can spend more time with her! OK, sometimes the last one doesn't work too well but it's a shot! The prices are really dropping now with the new Novak that just came out.

Peter from Climate ought to be able to help you if she still doesn't buy what I put above.

Check out his hardware also, he should carry just what the boat needs!
i've heard great things about the Blizzard and almost got one. the only bad thing i've heard is that the stock hardware is on the heavy side, but then again opinions are opinions and hearsay doesn't make it true.

brushed motors are a pain, if you go to a couple local races [or even commit treason and go to an rc CAR race :) ] you'll see alot of guys with brushed motors replacing comms, brushes, springs, etc. because they wear out so quick. i'm not into elec anymore, but IMO you should go to and find a good brushless setup and maybe a set of hardware [PJ you would like their stuff, it's purple even if you don't order the purple, at least my rudder is] they've got a huge selection and prices are good. you should keep it light and pretty low cell count i think, the more cells you run the more each pack costs, longer it has to recharge, and more space it takes up.

elec guys feel free to kick in, im useless for motor/cells/ESC selection.

All I can say is GO BRUSHLESS! It will be less expensive over the first year than even a cheap brushed set up, and will have way more power and speed.

6 cells will easily get you well in to the 30MPH range. 7-8 cells will put you in to the 50's without even trying.

Not sure where the rumor about the hardware being heavy started. The hardware set we sell was custom designed by Fullers Fast Electrics for the Blizzard. It is about as light as you can get. I don't think you could make it any lighter out of metal. It is the fastest production hardware made today.

I ran my 2002 demo Blizzard at over 64 MPH with that hardware. That is covering a lot of water real quick.

My 2003 demo should be even faster.

Some guys are getting at or above the 70 MPH mark with the same set up.