Scale and Thunder Boat Graphics


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By the way that reminds me.....since I am going to be going to the NAMBA Nationals in WA in July I'm going to cut off orders at June 1 until I get back on July 21. That is for stock sets only...not customs that need to be drawn. The reason for this is to avoid issues that I ran in to last year. Last year I would still take orders but told folks I would not get them out til I got back. Unfortunately I had a few that didn't hear that or remember that I sent that in an email and proceeded to send nasty emails while I was gone. Those folks that did that were promptly refunded without warning. I will get stuff on the boards all out before July 1. After that I will be nowhere near the office so I can get boats tested.
Sorry guys I have been MIA the last couple of days since Wednesday. I had last minute stuff to do for my daughter's promotion from Kindergarten and then my son's graduation from High School. I have a number of emails and PM's I will get to on Monday.
A quick bit of news before I leave the office. BTW I will be leaving and finishing up any remaining orders by the 2nd of July. Almost all are out or will be out shortly. I now have base sets for 3 of the 2014 boats including the Oberto. After Madison then the smaller decals will be added.

Also, for you 10th scale guys, I have teamed up with Craig Bradshaw of West Coast Custom Boats to acquire a T6 type hull of his to use as a template for wraps for certain boats. I do have 3 patterns of Graham Trucking done for a wrap as well as the 2012 Beacon Plumbing. These will be available as sets you can apply or you can ship the boat here and I will install.

I currently have I believe 5 orders I am taking with me to the NAMBA Nationals to deliver. If you are going and want me to bring the order with please confirm by sending an email to [email protected]

Thanks and see you in Washington!
I am back from the NAMBA Nationals and I took a recovery day yesterday and to unpack but I am back in the office today. I have a couple of sets I need to do today that I was not able to get out before I left. Some supplies that were ordered didn't arrive before I left so those will go out today. If you have been waiting while was gone I thank you for your patience.

We did have a great time in WA and thanks to the gang from D8 for putting on a great event. My son and I did pretty well. We came home with a load of hardware. I had 5 wins in C Mono(60) and X Mono(80) and three gas classes...G1 Cat, G1 Rigger and GX1 Mono as well as a 2nd in GX2 Cat and a 3rd in GX1 Cat. My son shared the podium with me in G1 Cat with a 3rd as well as a 2nd in G1 Rigger and a 3rd in X Hydro. Both us had fast times in several classes as well. We didn't fare too well in scale. My boat didn't want to run so I scratched it and Preston's newly rebuilt Exide wasn't trimmed for conditions up there and we didn't get any test time on it before the course was closed. So we had to test while racing which is never a good idea. The boat would slow down well for the starts but it was too flighty for the rougher water up there and we couldn't finish a heat. Ah well....we learned a lot about trimming the boat for those conditions though and plan to go back. By the way I wanna thank Rob Duckering for pitting for me in GX2 Cat. He and the other Canadians that came down are a kick! Good to see all of you.

So back to BAU and if you have been waiting to order fire away...
Face it, Mike, you need to move north. We know how to have fun in D-8
I've done some updating to the website. Some new gallery shots to look at. Mitch Dillard's 1/10 scale Boeing 787, Bill Brandt's 82 Gilmore and Ron Forister has the unique designation of having my first 2014 boat set on his 10th Scale 2014 Oh Boy Oberto.
Guys just a quick note. I will be out of the office tomorrow and Thursday. The weather and big fish reports are lining up for a rare great window so I am going to go chase some King Salmon off the coast. Be back on Friday
Orders are flowing again. I need to dispel a rumor though. I have recently decided to step away from racing and will be selling all of my boats and gear. But the decal business is not being sold at this time. Someone interpreted me selling off boats as the decal business was for sale too. It is not.
Ok I have entered that time of year where I will only have a couple of days a week to work on graphics. It'll be like this until about late November early December so my delivery times will be longer. Unfortunately it is unavoidable as my regular business goes into turbo mode this time of year. So if you have winter projects you are planning give yourself some extra time before ordering. Thanks
Mike can you check to see what you have for the 1991 UR5 edge. Steve Gualtieri said he got a set from you. Winter project so I would like to get them ordered.

Thanks, Pat
I don't think he got them from me unfortunately since I never finished doing that set. I do have materials coming so that I can. Might be bit but I will get them done before winter. I have gotten a number of emails of late for orders and I am trying to respond as fast as I can but like I stated in an earlier post my regular business is slammed right now and I am running a little behind. It should get better after next week....a little anyway. So if I haven't responded to your email order yet I will.
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Ok guys my goof is your gain. I accidentally made a set of 72 Notre Dame decals that were supposed to be a different size than 1/8th scale but I made 1/8 scale. Normally they are $75 a set but if you want them I will let them go for $50 plus shipping.
Even at just two days a week for graphics things are still getting out. Just got a couple of pics from some finished boats. Here's some of Jim Stephens' 91 T-Plus 10th scale and two 1/8 Scale P&M boats.

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Ok guys I have been sitting on this for a while because I wasn't sure if it was going anywhere but it appears it is. I had no intention to sell my graphics business but I was approached a couple of months ago by two different individuals about purchasing the business. After some initial discussions things kind of tailed off. But now one of the two seems to be pretty serious and some progress has been made. The deal is not for my entire business just the files for RC Boating decals, all of my paint schemes, research materials and the website. If the time table for this holds I will stop taking new orders probably in December so that the new owner can start fresh with a clean slate. I will post again when a deal is finalized and my cutoff for orders will be.

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