saw boats


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Yes i have read that artical it has some very usefull info

and to your second question Yes i am desining a SWA boat it wont be musc different from the curent ones that i am using just be lighter and play with the sponson design and configeration.

CHD Racing: Catch me if you can........ ;D ;D

i will build a straight line boat towards the end of the year, i would like a 45 size and i will fit K90 to it!!

Should we pen in a straight line day into the club calendar? They wouldn't be official in terms of setting records though.



Do you guys have the timing gear? If so get a sanction and make it official!

There is that X mono record that Dale wants a shot at with my special motor too.... ;D

we do have the timing gear!!


the disk will be probably 3 weeks away, then ill get a boat made for it and away we go!!

No worries, no hurry! ;D


Actually it is really easy. WIth my 60mm flywheel on it, it turns over really easy and fires first pop. Keeping it running without self destruction is the hard part! 8)

hmmm I better get the dremel onto the ol A90 and see where it can really rev out to.....

lets face it if you wanna play straight line (SAW???? who is SAW???) you want to get rid of as much weight as possible and there is so much unneccesary metal inside an engine isnt there??? I remember my old CMB45GP-SC... man did that scream!!! (especially in a 21 Sprint cat)...

EMS Racing by appointment only

From my tacho, with no load (Oops!!!) my old A-90HP would rev to 27000 rpm! Off the water acrobatics would commonly read over 25000 rpm.

SAW: Straight AWay, as is straight away running.

Drill some holes in the case, think about all that unnecessary metal there! :p

Disclaimer: Do not try this at home, these people are professional idiots!
hehehe will have to try an A90HP-SC

oh and that CMB45GP-SC ended up with crankcase ventilation when it sucked the low end needle in and pushed it out thru the bottom of the case... the engine still ran hard too....

EMS Racing Show me the funny money

i would just be doing what Ian does to his A90, man that thing has some nice usable power and some revs!!! send him 2 motors for the twin and get some Ian in ya!! : ;D Knowing Ian his motor is now a A90-HPSCIIS


in case your woundering SCIIS is swiss cheese ian inverarity special!!!


I got the main details... I just wanted to try the engines with scock timings etc so people knew what they go like out of the box. Pity I had carb problems with the 90 coz it does really go hard.

Believe me the twin will have some serious engines in it!!! I know the importer very well!!! LOL

EMS Racing more gooder stuff
What are you guys talking about, my motors are all stok (or is that 'stock', I dunno) :p

I keep telling Craig what pipe to use but he never believes me. Everytime I see his boats he has a different pipe on it....

I would have liked to know what revs the 90 was getting when it was hopping that 1667 of Brett's, it was buzzing!

Nitrocrazed racing: "The fastest way to kill a motor is with a Dremel." Must be what I'm doing wrong....
I was actually thinking of getting a few changes made from the factory so the engines come out in oval racing trim. I think that the emphasis on Multi racing in europe has a lot to do with this as these engines are primarily designed for Multi (FSR-V is the correct term?)

Also I will be trying a new plug cooling head idea in the next couple of months. Hopefully they will be available for a number of engines. Imagine the first EMS Racing manufactured product!!!! The second one will be an interesting (now secret) project.... LOL

EMS Racing Ssssssssshhhh... be vewwy vewwy qwiet....
Hey Craig,

If you want my contribution on suggestions for the factory motors, just let me know...... ;D

I am yet to be convinced about plug cooling, but Paul 'Ozzy' seems to have it sorted, so I guess it cant work too bad.....

Nitrocrazed racing: Gentlemen......Start your Dremels!
Hi Craig

i have been using water cooled plug head for some time now it dose have some benifats but it is not the answer.

Also I will be trying a new plug cooling head idea in the next couple of months. Hopefully they will be available for a number of engines. Imagine the first EMS Racing manufactured product!!!! The second one will be an interesting (now secret) project.... LOL
i am trying some idears related to balanced fule flow through the ports that is showing promis it seem to work with the MAC 45 i am going to try it with a MAC 84 and see what happens.

HI boys

glad to see some of u guy's talking about SAW just finished my SAW 67 boat it will be awsome going to run it in a couple of weeks let u guy's now how it go's, also going to build a SAW 45 boat in the next few month's,what size engine are u going to run Paul?

i hope to see more people in Australia get ino SAW and 1/2k oval as it is awsome to see a boat skim across the water at speed's over 100mph+ hope some of u guy's come down to Vic for the SAW trials and 1/2k oval it's a sight to see.

It will be a 67 90 boat for the moment based on my sprint 45 with some minor changes to handel the extra tourk should be very quick with the reworked MAC 84

8) 8) 8) 8)

CHD Racing: were's that dremal

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