Sad news


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Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2001
I saw this on the Rum Runner Board. Since I cannot post there I want to add that Trent was a great person and loveed the sport. I enjoyed talking to Trent and have many, many times. I'll miss Trent Hare for certian, it's a sad thing to lose him.

Some very sad news…

I am very sad to tell everyone that our friend Trent Hare passed away last week from injuries sustained in a tragic accident. His wife has asked me to let all his friends in the boating community know of his passing.
That is very sad news. You might want to mention it to Ed Hughey, I think they were good friends.

Thank you for sharing that with the International Waters forum, Steven. Our club is just devastated by the news. Trent's passing is a tragic loss for the FE boating community, he was a leader, an innovator and always willing to share. I lost a good friend.

Trent was very close to Ed, I hope someone that knows Ed better then I do will call him. Trent always looked up to Ed as his mentor and always spoke highly of him.
Trent did things "small" in a "BIG" way. Please allow me to speak for the entire I waters gaing in saying god speed to Trent and take-care to the family.

RIP freind.

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Trent will be sorely missed :( I looked up to him for both his boating and website skills.

I haven't talked to Trent in a couple years, but for a while there we were pretty close. He taught me a few things here and there. He changed hobbies alot, but always came back to boats.

Anyone know what happened?

Chris Attebery said:
I haven't talked to Trent in a couple years, but for a while there we were pretty close. He taught me a few things here and there. He changed hobbies alot, but always came back to boats.

Anyone know what happened?

According to Dan Chase, a pool accident. Trent slipped and hit his head, he never recovered from the injury.
I talked to Ed today he was very disturbed about it. Jeff Vasquez called him and broke the news today to him.

He wanted to know if anybody had some good pictures of Trent that he could have?

You could mail them to Ed or Email them to me [email protected] or

I am interested in dedicating this years Batavia race in Trents honor!

This would be Batavia's 3rd race for race dedication and usually we have a boater run a lap as a silent dedication during the drivers meeting, in front of all racers. Who else to do that than Ed Hughey. Instead of a lap I think 4 laps would be appropriate for Trents Honor. I did not really get to know Trent at all. I think I got to know him by the high praises from Ed. He would talk about Trent like they are next door neighbors. I guess they were neighbors in spirit of RC boating.

Why Batavia do a dedication, well last year we started the Zig Zag craze. Mention of it as a standard class sent many to the stores buying them and having fun. Wisconsin was the first formalized event to race them followed by Batavia. As far as I know we were the first (Wis, Batavia & Minn) to use of Micro Boats in a big formalized race in the US.

Next year we will expand on the rules and open it up to other hulls and especially frequencies.

Trents Hydro video is also an inspiration to keep our foot in the door with this new type of class.

My thoughts and prayers goto Trents family in such a tragic loss which has been felt in our small RC community.

Jeffrey Stevens
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Trent will be sadly missed. He was a good friend, excellent mentor and could bend one double with his sense of humour.
Jeff, could you please send me an email at [email protected] with your phone number and a good time to call? I would like to discus something in regard to Trent & Batavia with you offline.

I think we (Devil Mountain Water Boilers) had the first Micro race in North America at August Heats in 2001, of course, having Trent as the Vice President of the club had a lot to do with it, what ever Trent did, the club soon followed!

I was at Trent's memorial service yesterday, all but one of the founding members of the DMWB were there as well as Jeff Vasquez, he told me he talked to Ed and he took it pretty hard. I don't think there was anyone Trent looked up to more then Ed.
I'd like to add something as someone whose renewed interest in boats owed a lot to his web page and obvious enthusiasm.

However, I can only echo the thoughts and tributes of those fortunate enough to have known him personally