Ron Olson in the hospital


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nessa, thanx to you & joe for keeping us updated :) !! ron, these children don't understand the TRUE meaning of 5 lbs. lighter & 10 yrs. younger :lol: :lol: . we haven't met up yet, but have become friends here & on rcu over the past few years. do what the doctors say, looking foward to shaking your hand one day, at a pond somewhere ;)
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Well joe called Ron this morning,as it looks there keeping him another day there plus while cat scanning Ron they found a sist on his kidney..So please keep Ron in your prayers..Ok just saw this on RCU,Rons quotes)==Here I am! I finally got a laptop in my room as my cell phone doesn't do websites very well, mostly just Facebook.

OK, here's what went on. Somebody was being a smasrt-ass in here but things started going bad on the throne Tuesday afternoon. I had a lot of pain in my large intestine then broke out into a sweat, started shaking, dizziness then my palms broke out in a rash, then my feet before starting up my legs. I looked like I had been out in the sun all day by the time that I got to the ER. Being a previous heart patient they automatically are on the look-out for that but I told the attending Doc that it wasn't heart related as I had no symptoms. Well, about 1-1/2 hours later, boy was I wrong!! That's when the chest pains started. In what I thought was a rare move they shot me up with morphine as I hadn't had any of that since passing a kidney stone. Yesterday morning they ran me down to the Cath Lab and found 2 blockages, one that had been closed up for a while and one in a graft (bypass) so the doc spent a few hours working on those. I was pretty much out of it during the procedure although concious, that was some good stuff!

OK, now to today.

tueday night they did a CT scan to check for abdominal problems and found something else they didn't like to a little while ago I had an ultrasound done as they found a cyst on my left kidney. What is going on there, I don't know as I'm waiting for another doc to come up and talk to me once he compares the CT to the ultra-sound

Right now I won't get out of here until tomorrow sometime so I'll have to put up with a crappy hospital Turkey Day dinner. My wife is supposed to smuggle me up some real food later.

Jamie, I'd rather be working! I had today off anyway but was going to go to work tomorrow but that got shot in the ass as tomorrow is triple-time pay!

I hate laptops but it'll have to do for now. I may have to share this one as somebody stole the other ones off this floor. Got some but not many hot nurses up here, maybe I'll get you guys some shots of them!
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Well, that saved me from typing up all of that stuff again! :D Hi folks, not doing too bad right now considering what I've been through in the past 24 hours. I am going to miss one of those rare days when I get to see most of the family as being a second shift worker it's hard to have much of a life.

I'm still waiting for the results of the CT and ultra-sound scans.

Thanks for the replies, thoughts and prayers as I can use all of them right now.

I don't know how long the hospital it going to let me use this laptop as somebody stole the other ones off this floor so this is the only one up here. My cell does do this site but not very well so excuse me if I can't get back right away.
hey, ron, good to see ya on here! keep us posted as you can, we are all very concerned about you. hang in there, i'm (& i'm sure everyone else) pulling for you ;) .
Tomorrow might be the scarier day while I wait for the results of the other tests but other than that am supposed to be set loose.
Thanks. I'm not doing too bad right now and am just waiting for them to toss me out of here. As usual, they woke me up at 4:30 this morning to weigh me and take my vitals so since I was awake I turned this thing on. I've been gabbing with Jetpack and Ross Schonrock on Facebook already.

My Cardiologist I'm not worried about, it's the other person coming in to see me though is another story.
Thanks. I'm not doing too bad right now and am just waiting for them to toss me out of here. As usual, they woke me up at 4:30 this morning to weigh me and take my vitals so since I was awake I turned this thing on. I've been gabbing with Jetpack and Ross Schonrock on Facebook already.

My Cardiologist I'm not worried about, it's the other person coming in to see me though is another story.
Wow, that was a quick "In & out" Glad to see you're back with us!! If someone was to spend anymore than 1 day in the Hospital - These days, then we know that there in some sort of Coma or something... Otherwise, it's like a revolving door.. Glad to see your in good spirits - again.. :D
Hi Ron

Just found out about hospital stay.

Have a fast recovery my friend.

Dave Roach
Ron Just found out about this... keep on the road to recovery. hope to see you out there when i get back up to GR next year.
Hey stranger! Man, I haven't seen you in here in a long time!

Let me know when you're back in the area and we'll have to get together.

The other news I'm waiting for they're throwing into my GP's hands and he might have more tests for me to go through. I've got an appointment to see him Wednesday anyway.