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Bill, it was great talking to you a couple of days ago.

Today, I received the full size mono plans that my buddy had printed from CAD files that were emailed to me from a www.rcboatmodeler.com member from Sweden. These are some fine looking plans and I'm hoping to start cutting out some parts from my wood supply this weekend.

I picked up some rubber cement to glue the paper plans to the wood today before I came home from work. I also bought some fine tooth blades for my jigsaw yesterday.

Yesterday, at the Eglin AFB wood hobby shop, I was told that thin plywood will probably splinter as I'm trying to cut it. He told me that I should use painters masking tape to tape over the wood where I'll be cutting and place the plans over the tape. What have been you results cutting thin ply? Thanks, Bill :D !

Hi Danny, glad the plans turned out in the end :D

Dennis is really on a building spree....

Here's a pic of my version, finished today

Sassa 3
Ian, that boat looks great. I emailed one of the pictures that you sent me to Bart (who printed up my plans) and he just loved that wood deck! And yes, he did a great job on the plans! I've already got some of them cut up and ready to attach to wood tomorrow so I can start cutting :D .

I'm planning on doing mine like Dennis. I want it raised so that it isn't flat. Do you see any reason why I can't cut the deck out as one piece instead of two halves :unsure: ?

I've been having a discussion with him concerning the sprayrails. Do I really need them? Does your boat have them? It looks like the plans show the sides extending down below where they intersect the bottoms by about 1/8" or so. Doesn't seem like it would make much difference. I was just thinking of sanding it flush like it is on my Dumas DV20.
I have the deck as one piece but as you said, it is flat. To put a curve in the deck you can try with one piece and formers under the deck. Then try to see if you can pull the deck down evenly, it depends on how flexible your ply is, it will be a compound curve tho' and ply isn't to keen. If it doesn't work cut the piece in two.... Dennis has raised the deck as two flat halves if I remember correctly.

The sprayrail where the bottom meets the side stops water climbing the side of the boat, I have it. There is a topic on John Finch's Wild Thing that addresses the same issue, try to read that. The overlap is easy to get, I screwed the sides on to get them even, glued and then removed the screws :D

Strakes on the bottom give lift, Dennis has put one each side, I have none, if after running the boat it needs them I can add them.

Remember Danny that none of us have seen this boat run :eek: so it is all a little trial and error..........

Oh yes, when cutting the sides and bottoms cut two pieces together and sand to final shape, this ensures they are identical, this reduces sanding on the final model and I believe makes a truer hull.

Spray rails
We had a discussion on the swedish forum about the spray rails and strakes, some thought we would need them , others not :huh: There were also a few thoughts that the bottom vee might need to be sanded flat to allow the prop to bite.....we shall see. Turn fins were probably not needed due to the depth of the vee, all this waits for the maiden tour. :D

I was hoping to run mine today but we have a little storm outside so it will have to wait. :(
Okay Ian, I'll go ahead and make sure that I have spray rails. It sounds like they won't hurt anything and can only help. Dennis posted a nice picture on the other website.

To put a curve in the deck you can try with one piece and formers under the deck. Then try to see if you can pull the deck down evenly, it depends on how flexible your ply is, it will be a compound curve tho' and ply isn't to keen. If it doesn't work cut the piece in two.... Dennis has raised the deck as two flat halves if I remember correctly.
I was thinking the same thing about the one-piece deck: I can always cut it in half if I need to. (Iwas wondering about that compound curve as well!) On the other hand, it would probably be easier to just stack two pieces of wood together and cut two halves out at the same time!

I've decided to use my thin, very flexible 1/16" Okoume for the deck :D . If I can keep it in one piece, it will actually be round when it goes over the longitudinal "spine" from the middle bulkhead to the point. This would give the thin wood more strength and less flexibility
There were also a few thoughts that the bottom vee might need to be sanded flat to allow the prop to bite.....we shall see.
So they think that the V is too deep :unsure: ? Can you post a picture of the rear of your boat with your hardware installation?

I'm sorry that you had bad weather today :( . Its rainy and very, very humid outside this morning. I was hoping to take my sheets of ply out today and cut the pieces out with my jigsaw. I'm worried that they'll start soaking up this humidity and curl and warp up instantly :eek: ! I may have to wait until this afternoon and see if it dries up.
Don't worry about the humidity or the rain...The Okume is good stuff. I left several pieces laying out in the yard during a long three day rain, then picked them up and through them in the back of the truck where the sun proceeded to bake them dry. These pieces were about 36" X 2" X 1/4". During and after this proccess they stayed complety flat, never swelled or seperated.

Great stuff! :)
Andy, its funny that you should mention this. I just got off the phone with my buddy who printed out my plans and I mentioned that this Okoume was a marine plywood with good water "resistance" properties and that maybe I shouldn't be worried about the humitdity.

I'm going to be cutting some Okoume plywood today :D !
We have storm warnings at the moment... up to 33m/s, hurricane strength :eek: I can hear tiles lifting as I write. My better half and daughter are driving down from our stuga (cabin) and have stood still for the past 1 1/2 hrs.

Here's a transom shot

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Ian, I hope you make it through the bad weather okay! I had to evacuate when Hurricane Ivan hit us last September. Lots of destruction. I'm looking out the window right now and can see the damaged roof of one of my neighbors.

I didn't realize how big that sprayrail is. I don't see how I could end up with one as wide as yours according to the plans. I guess I'll just see how it turns out. I'm ready to head out and fire up the saw!
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What we get here (Sweden) is nothing to what you guys get, it's only gusts up to that. It's managed to knock out power to 150000 and my better half is overnighting 1/2 way home (no heat and no power), the police closed the motorway...........

Yeah I was surprised at how large it turned out, but if I remember right I did it at 3,5/4mm overlap and hey presto!

Enjoy the build :D
I got a lot of the parts cut out today. The saw worked well and made nice cuts. I worked very slow but still had a major brain fart and cut my stringers too short :eek: :angry: . I had lengthen them to go all the way to the transon in pencil (instead of just to the radio box as per the plans) and I missed the pencil lines and cut the stringers too short.

On Sunday, I'll cut out the sides and the remaining bulkheads that I didn't get today. I'm going to sand all the parts to even them up real nice. I guess that if everything goes well, I might even be able to start epoxying things together in the evening :D . If not, then I'll start on Monday.

Chilly thinks that I can do the deck in one piece so that is what I'm going to try. I'll just wait to cut it out when the hull is ready to be decked.
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Most of the parts are now cut out and the edges are sanded smooth. I've still got to cut the slots where the stringers interlock with the bulkheads. I'll try to get to it this week, but if not, then I've got a 3-day weekend coming up so I should be able to get some work done then.

I'll cut the deck out in one piece when the hull is ready for it.

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