Please help..they have done it again!


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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2008
Hey Gang Me Time needs our help.

Most of you know Doug and Kerri with MeTime..this past year every trip they have gone on something has broken on the RV or Trailer..(you remember they got stranded in New Orleans last Thanksgiving with a broken down van..)

Well, I hate to say they are now stranded in Maryland. With a broken something or other on the trailer and no emergency brakes on their RV. They went there this weekend to raise money for children with diabetes so they made nothing on this trip. Please go to their website and if you or your club can help keep them "LIVE" so we can enjoy this wonderful sport of racing. Donate to them or be a sponsor for a race. Any little bit helps.

I have know them for the last 5 years when they started with nothing but a video camera and they have invested more time or money than most people would for this sport. With over 1100 MeTime member if we each gave just a few dollar or if your club can donate a little that will take a lot of stress off them and they can start really enjoying these trips again. Lets help get them back home so they can come to the Fall Nationals next week and than make their plans to go back to New Orleans for the Voodoo race.... PLEASE HELP if you can....Thank you so much. When Kerri called me tonight she was so upset..laughing to keep from crying..they are in the middle of a field with a mud track and no pond to "look at". They have their two kids with them and she said they don't know least when they broke down in the past she had all her "boating buddies" around...I know they still have wireless internet so let them know that we do care and want Me Time to continue....thanks jj
Jenni call Kerri and gwt a direct paypal email address then post it ....
Just got hold of Kerri..She said they are "somewhere in Wash. DC" they are driving trying to find a place to get trailer and RV fixed...they can drive but have to go very slow. If anyone wants to help they can send money to [email protected] and hit "send money"..She said to tell everyone thanks for helping.

Thanks Again jj
That works better donation sent
Thanks for your help. I haven't spoke with them yet this morning..I know with all their trouble with traveling this past year it has been tough for them. Keep them in your prayers too...Kerri and Doug..hope you get home today!
Money sent... please be careful and drive safe.

Dave Bestpitch

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First of all,Kerri, Doug and I would like to thank everyone who has helped them these past two days. They are still not home. Hope to get home before dark. If things were not bad enough all this rain we have had wore out the windshield wiper blade..being creative in a bad situation they put a pool noodle over the blade..guess it worked!..Kerri will post is what makes them so special..they always have a smile on their faces no matter how bad it is...thank you all again. jj
We are home safe. The parking brake is fixed but the trailor is still broke. Rear leaf spring gave but being a tandum it worked out. Only going 45 mph for 340 miles really stinks. 6 hrs turned to 10. Kerri was reading me the posts as we went down the road and kept me in good spirits. Nothing like a road trip. And yes I did put a lime green pool noodle on the passenger side blade. I don't have Hi-Tech Redneck on my shirt sleeve for nothin :D . The blade was 26" and not something you can just stop and buy at Advanced so you got to improvise B) .

Thanks Jenni for the heartfelt post and the support. We are truly blessed with you and Deryl's friendship and the entire boating community.

Mikey, Kevin, Alden, Dave, Bill, and Brian, thank you so much for the donations to help us out. When you have a family as great as the boating community, anything is possible. It always seems we have issues when traveling, but no matter what the boat family is looking to help out. This is a testimony to how this community really is, GREAT!

Both Kerri and I truly thank you for supporting us,

dammit, that's what i get for not logging on in a day or 2 :( . doug, you guys were in my neck of the woods, you shoulda called me. glad you made it home safe, sorry i found out too late to help with the van. you guys could have come here, i fix the van, & give you a home cooked meal. see ya in c-town.

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