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OER Liquidation SALE


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I will take the 3.5 Lawless taped for the OS prop shaft, all of the OS throttle holder, and all of the 4-40 radio box seals

Let me know total with shipping.

Thanks Deryl
Maddog, the total for the items is $170.00, plus $5 dollars for shipping is $175.00

Deryl, The total for the items is $134.00, shipping is included from the header order.

Zboter1, I am already giving these parts away. There unfortunately is no room for haggling. I will pay to ship them to you, at the cost listed, best I can do.

List Updated. Thanks, James
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Rossi 7.5 parts

header spring flange

6 exhaust orings

4 wrist pin clips

2 wrist pins

6 head orings

2 conecting rods

1 case

2 lawless oil out
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Rocky, sorry man...didnt know that was you! Thanks!

Paul, gotcha covered on the oilout's, thanks again guys.

james put me down for the 2 lawless 7.5 steering arms and the last 3 k&b 7.5 OEM prop shaft assemblies

Thanks Deryl
Deryl, 60 more dollars and they are yours sir... :)

Boy, its like roadkill and flock of vultures around here...lol.

Thanks guys, ~James

I sent the $30.00 for the K&B Propshafts. In all of this I hope all is well. Usually when someone is liquidating like this things aren't good. Take care

James, I'll take a silver bullet 7.5 K&B header, and two universal steering kits.

let me know how muck shipping is to zip code 55449

I would like (2) 3.5 Shaft assemblies, and (3) 3.5 rebuild kits. Shipping is to Hephzibah, Georgia 30815.


Jr. B

I would like 4 of the Universal Shaft Oiler kit / $23.00 / $10.00 Let me know on the shipping to 46805


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Larry Conrad, Total comes to 50.00, plus $3.00 for shipping for a grand total of $53.00

Jr. Branham, total is $60.00, plus $3.00 for shipping for a grand total of $63.00

Gary Geiselman, total is $40.00, the shipping from your other purchases will cover these as well.

Send paypal to [email protected]

I am updating this list as you guys say "Ill take ____" Hopefully everyone comes through with payment so the list does not get screwed up. So far so good, thanks guys. What you see listed, it what I have still available.
