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I think Tim is right.. this just needs to be understood and tweaked a tick.

I again am in favor of the no launch after 30 (Mark clearly understands).. but if that too big a pill to swallow I understand how it can work. Just puts a load on the bit boss. (cheating flipping pit boss!…lol)

My example:

I race B Hydro I try and start my boat at 2:00min. Many times this doesn't go as planed and my boat isnt running til 1 min. Now I have noticed alot of B hydros do delay a little on starting there boats. The reason I delay and i assume they delay is fuel ( I wanna make sure i have enough fuel if i blow the start). By changing the 30 second clock this will destroy my fuel plans. Now for example I will use hobart, I got my boat started at 1min and off the stand got 30 seconds to launch... my pit man turns to see there are 5 boats waiting inline already. At hobart 1 boat is launched at a time, you have to wait til the dock area is clear to walk down the 3 wooden steps to the launch area ( I have slipped myself on these steps trying to move along quickly ). With only 30 seconds from the time my boat left the stand to the time waiting in line to be launched I will probably be launched just under 30 seconds... ya gotta figure these hydros do move pretty well and the pit boss will be actually telling the the pitman its ok to go.

All in all i agree with Stu and Terry, but i do agree with if 1 lap is completed by any of the boats on the water you are done for that heat and no launch. All boats must do atleast 1 mill lap

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We use a rather simple process and it works well. If the boat is running ON THE STAND, it can be WALKED down to the launch dock but must be in the water at the 10 second mark or a DNS will be given. That clears the boat and the dock of people for the start of the race. That was not done exactly like that for the Internats but it was done previously and we will go back to it for future races. It is the safest way.
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If you are going to allow a boat that is running & off the stand to be launched after the 2min. clock, in the interest of safety, do not start the 30sec. clock until the last one has been launched. This way all boats have equal mill time. No one has an advantage.

Then I'll wait to launch until everyone else runs out of fuel. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
My opinion is if your boat isnt in the water at 30 seconds it shouldnt be able to be launched, i have been told several times i could not launch and i do watch the clock if it hits 30 seconds i will not launch i see to many people launching in the ten seconds and lower this makes it hard on the people coming up to the clock getting ready to race. MHO Robert
We use a rather simple process and it works well. If the boat is running ON THE STAND, it can be WALKED down to the launch dock but must be in the water at the 10 second mark or a DNS will be given. That clears the boat and the dock of people for the start of the race. That was not done exactly like that for the Internats but it was done previously and we will go back to it for future races. It is the safest way.
This works well , and at Charleston you don't wait around too long to start as it's a long way down the dock !!
Man, i was gonna stay off this one..... but in 12 yrs i've always made it a point to be IN THE WATER before the 30 second audio said "no launch".... to me no launch always meant no launch.....Whats the purpose of having the dang clock?... It says clearly enough no launch @ 30 seconds.... I've been stopped exactly once years ago, from launching serious late ( my own fault, and deservingly so,)....I've shut down in despair( dangit! whats the problem?) countless times.... duh, if it aint starting and running in the pits well enough, maybe, and hit me on the head, I enjoy adding a hazard to the guys already out there, late, dead, lane, or whatever else?... NO. i've had pit bosses, that I'm grateful for hold me in safety's sake ( yeah, theyre coming around 6,at 130, or 1, or even 45, most, or the better racers are intensely getting in position for their start,common sense, pit boss or not doesnt see you having your pit guy drop it)..... why, with any common sense, does anyone feel that throwing it in at 25 or 15 is even feasable?.... Clear course with 29, 15 or 10, even, and throwing it in "because it was started".... and what?... slow boat in the front stretch, gaining maybe, hopefully, not angling right to 1..... this forces racers already really set on final start time position to recognize yet another issue along with the intensity of hitting a good start... I dont know about you but i'm really really refining my position on the course at 30...... most guys are.... it's unnerving to have to add, or have your pit man add,( are you awake back there?) position of this boat along with the other ones out there.....I'll admit first i'm still hydro novice enough, scared to death enough, to let it get to me.... yes, I'm wide, long, fast or slow, using the course as mill was intended for to get where i want to be on the clock... Lately, and i've noticed, that its normally in hydro classes, guys pushing the limits overboard because they think they can, at smaller events without a pit boss...not just singling out any venue, because its everywhere... so lets see.... this guy knows his 40 boat for example does 14 second laps just at mill speed....( come on, tell me you dont, nor havent clocked laps on your boat) I'll drop in at 28 then and have a ton of fuel to burn them up in the race..... maybe even drop at 15 if the CD is asleep.....WTF?.... Scared to mill?... cant?... too small on the tank?..what?.. your uncle is on the stand, and he wont care?...Its an advantage for points, because especially in tunnel heats, if youll take notice , somebody normally leans out, flips, hits a bouy, maybe....last guy in... uh huh.... not below 30.... it is.. after all their fault they leaned, flipped, etc, and had their chance right?... ( I've a B tunnel that carries EXACTLY 8 laps, and less if its rich with conditions, forcing me to start late on purpose.. it is what it is, and i start and launch it accordingly, on time, before 30, or not at all...Half the time there's already wood floating in tunnel heats, and i start at 1:30.... The southern guys and I've been there, run up to 8 boat heats!..... There is always a line at the drop ramp.... they get them in... before 30...theres always a pit boss too..... more guys would respect this guy and his say on launch or not, bar none, squeal, piss, moan, fight or whatever... world would be a better place.. What i want to exactly know is, when exactly did CD's and the pit boss team in conjunction if there happens to be one, lose unmitigated, uncontested authority to make any call on anything and live to tell about it?.... I've followed this creed... ALWAYS... I've been shut down, been called over, DQ'd, DQ'd myself, told to hold my lane,please enter the fray parallel to the shoreline until you reach 1, you name it... it is what it is... and i aint once fought half the day,screamed, threw a fit, packed up my stuff, quit, or threatened a director or judge from any call.... RESPECT. Whats one heat in a lifetime of adrenalin rushes i just traveled to enjoy with my friends?..... You win... wheres the Mt Dew. No launch at 30 means NO launch in my book, always has....the pit boss, or CD regulate and should be enforcing the launches, without challenge EVER. want to up your start percentage?... obtain a clock recording, and test with it. Keep a new glow plug in hand and at reach. hot driversx2..... practice quickly clearing a flood....Internal combustion engine: fuel, air, and ignition.... its all controllable.... control it! It's enormously more fun to spin more boats around and actually compete..... and well, easy weeny points dont really mean anything to me..... I win.. where's the Mt Dew. Its getting waaaaay to serious about a hobby were supposed to be enjoying..... exploiting the "grey" does nothing but turn people red, and fading to black, nobody has fun anymore.... Come on. mike
Mike , some good stuff there . How about being 4 or 5 deep at the launch area with Twins for example which obviously are harder to start quickly and take longer to get the cowl on etc , ...clock hits 30 seconds while you are in line to launch you send everyone back to the table ?? Don't think so . There is and always will be the "Grey Area " due to the vast differences in race site logistics . IMHO
I don't allways launch after the 30 minute but when I do I prefer to be on the left side of the start line. :p

But really I think it is disrespectfull to have some one run up to the drivers stand yelling to his pit man to launch, shakin the stand bumping into you then the pit man comes up and does the same thing all while you are trying to concentrate on getting on the clock and staying out of trouble. Oh and sometimes pushing in between guys becuse they don't like the open spot on the end of the line.
why dont we all just start all twins,mono's,tunnels,hydro's,modvp and throw them all in the water at the same time..
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