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Marty Slater

Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Dec 21, 2004
i have read outher complaints but

is it just this OLD MAN or the old crap that he calls

his computer

was hopeing that there would be more said about this

I turned on at the very bottom the page load speed indicator. that is the time it takes the server from the time it gets your request till the time it sends it to you. It took .1800 seconds for me this time. the thing that takes a lot of time is your computer rendering the page on your screen. so this will mean better web browsers and faster computers at your house will play a roll.

i know that does not help..... i wish it were faster too but if we dont stay current we will be left in the dust.
OK, looks like the server is fast enough but I still visit many other forums and this is by far the slowest. It seems when I click on something it takes a second or two to "register", then things go pretty quick.

My machine is clean, I'm not that out of date, 2.8G Celeron, 2G Ram, lotsa extra HD space. IE 6.0.
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I dont really have a speed problem, but everything seems out of place and distorted. I mean the text and all is fine, it just does not seem like the ratio between things like the avatar box, etc, are correct.

Just my 2 cents...

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I've tried it with both Firefox and internet ex. The page load seems faster with FF both loaded fast for me. I like the larger avatars. Good work Tom!!!
I am using the IP-Duo skin, I like it.

I use FF and my speed is between .09 to .19 of a sec.

working fine.

I am running XP with IE8 and is working great. good speed.

Like the new look

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