Motor Placement on 36" Areomarine Cat with 11cc K&B


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Active Member
Feb 21, 2003
Motor Placement on 36" Areomarine Cat with 11cc K&B

OK Guys, Here is another where should I put the motor question.

I have a 36" Areomarine Cat that did have a recessed 7.5 OB on it. I'm putting an 11cc on it and had to bring it back out to the transom.

Should I set the motor closer to the transon like this....

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Re:Motor Placement on 36" Areomarine Cat with 11cc K&B

Or further out like this??

Should I relocate the steering servo back closer to the motor or just get new steering rods?

The bracket is going to be trimmed to fit the sides and runs flat with the bottom of the boat. thinking of putting "adjsting holes to be able to move motor closer and further out. Good Idea??

And at what depth do I want to set the prop?? on the old motor the flat "fin", I guess, was just under the flat part on the bottom between the sponsons.


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Re:Motor Placement on 36" Areomarine Cat with 11cc K&B

Who knows where i can find some pictures of a cowl that would work for this or how hard would it be to make my own. I have experience in laying fiberglass, Been awhile , but still feel confident. Or should I trimm down what I have. I basically now think I want just a sleek low profile cowl.

Here is a picture of the boat before I pulled the 7.5

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Re:Motor Placement on 36" Areomarine Cat with 11cc K&B

For What It's Worth:

A number of years ago - jeez maybe 15 or so - I did a review of the Dumas Skater Offshore Cat with a K&B 11cc OB. I just mounted it to the transom using a Prather Motor mount. It worked o.k.

Jerry D.
Re:Motor Placement on 36" Areomarine Cat with 11cc K&B

How does the one with the red canopy steer??
Re:Motor Placement on 36" Areomarine Cat with 11cc K&B

It's all the same boat. It steered fine in both directions as long as you backed off for a sec to let the sponsons catch. If not you needed a BIG turning radius. ;D I've got the motor getting ready to go off the back. leaving myself the option to be able to bring closer if I need to.
Re:Motor Placement on 36" Areomarine Cat with 11cc K&B

Alright.. Got the Mota set back, going to get a new paint job next week and we'll test it out. How far down should my prop be??? Anyone know?

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Re:Motor Placement on 36" Areomarine Cat with 11cc K&B

Hi Nitro

I'd just stick it on the back - generally the further out the prop is the better cats like it. The spot you've shown looks OK to me. ;)

You can always set it in an inch or so and use a long 707 speacialties mount to move it further away, or just block it off the back and see what happens.

As your using an OB I think this might actually follow the rules of full scale as to motor placement more than most models do.

I think your just going to have to go for it and live with the result. Wish you the best of luck.

GT 8)
Re:Motor Placement on 36" Areomarine Cat with 11cc K&B

I,m doing it more for fun than anything and it ran like a beast, when it would run, with that 7.5. I can't wait, getting a remote needle somewhere later this week and then we are off!!!!!! I think I'll have to add a little weight upfront. Were do I want the center of gravity to be on this beast?? Right now its about center on the overall length of everything. I figure I'll run it, see what the attitude is like and go from there.

BTW where do I want to set the needle at to start and what % of fuel should I use for a big K&B.

Also how can I tell if this is an 11 or 13cc it,s not stamped on the casting
Re:Motor Placement on 36" Areomarine Cat with 11cc K&B

do you know what size tuned pipe you're using?

unless .67 and .80's use the same size pipe....there's a guy at my club who runs an IB KB .80 in a cat and that says .80 on the side.

Re:Motor Placement on 36" Areomarine Cat with 11cc K&B

No tuned pipe dude it's an older K&B OB. MY 7.5 says it right on the side but this motor has only K&B on it
Re:Motor Placement on 36" Areomarine Cat with 11cc K&B

Re: CG, Needle-Valve Setting, % Nitro

1. I would recommend a CG 1/3 the distance from the transom. Last time I did the math, 1/3 of 36 was something like 12.

2. Four turns open on the needle-valve should provide a rich mixture to start with.

3. For sport running, something like 25% fuel should work fine.

Jerry D.