Looking for Peter Mueller...


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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2007
I spoke to Peter a few years back, but have lost his contact information. Anyone have his contact info? If so, please PM me. Peter has built a number of turbine powered Scale's. Thanks for the help.

Yes Peter, great guy, then the floor fell out, heard allot of weird stories, but will hold off until I hear from him.

We pitted/worked together at many Florida races for 3-4 years, then he disappeared................ ????????????????????

Mike Allen, Peter Mueller. MIA.........
Joe Steiman and I had a conversation about him some 6-8 months ago and at that time Joe had said that Peter had been dealing with some health issues. There was mention of a clot in his leg and maybe some heart issues. It's all pretty sketchy but it was rather apparent that Peter didn't want to be found when he disappeared. I talked to Joe again today about some other stuff and I asked what he knew about him and he had said that Peter shut his phone off and severed contact with pretty much everyone.
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OK, well thanks for the replys guys. I found a resource for the questions I was going to ask Peter about. Fred