Local Park Scene In GR, MI


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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2002
I went to my local park (Riverside Park) today with my family & guess what I saw making test runs up & down the river!! :eek: This was the first time I have ever saw one of these in person. I was grinning from ear to ear!!
We're going to have to get you down to Constantine then. They have races there twice a year at the American Legions Hall! That still must have been a cool sight to see! My brother told me that they hold Drag Boat races there also right where you are at.
COOL..... ;D Do they still run those mini hydro's there???? The one's where you kneel down and pray as you drive??
Ron, as far as I know, they still have the drag boat races here. Some time I can here them from my house. I have seen them before, just not an OB tunnel. & I have never seen the races; I always seem to have other stuff going on. :'(

My wife said it gave her goose bumps the first time she seen it go by & full plane! ;D I don't think it would take much to get her into running the RC boats. (I hope it won't take much anyways) She wanted to go to K-zoo with me next week, but she has some family obligations :(
Didn't ya go over and bribe the guy / gal to take that boat for a ride? ;D ;D ;D
CRAP!! i didn't think of it!!! > :( I don't think he would have let me anyway. :-
Rats! Should have at least try to sit in the thing.. I tried to make a deal with Snowdog-2112.. He sent a pic of him sitting in a real tunnel.. I wanted to trade him for it.. He wants 5000 WOF Solutions.. Think I'll be busy for the next few years! ;D ;D ;D ;D
what time was he running???? i was there that mornin playin golf but didn't see him =( ... also there is a tunnel parked in a garage on gun lake, never seen it run, and i think last time i saw it it didn't have a motor on it, but it's there and it switches sides of the garage from time to time... one of these days maybe i'll trac down the owner and ask if i can get a pic with it

also does anybody know what channel is covering the racesif they are at all, i think speed used to, either tunnels or hydros like to watch both
Hey tunnel lovers!

I know this is a bit in the future but make plans to go to Kankakee, Ill Labor Day weekend. The OPC nationals are held there every year for about 15 years straight. I can't remember all of names that show up but you'll recognize names like; Seebold, Rinker (JD) ;) Foster, Jacobsen & Lamb just to name a few. The last I remember, Seebold's Champ boat runs at about 125mph on the long straightaways.

Goto http://www.champboatracing.com/index2.html for pictures.

Mark, if you get me 5000 Solutions, I'll get you a ride in a Champ boat at the least! Imagine pulling 8+ G's into a turn??? I'm getting excited just thinking of it!


I think it was about 3:30 in the afternoon. :- it sure was cool to see though
I believe the Outdoor channel is now covering the OPC boats.

Bryan, 2 down and 4998 to go!!!!!
