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Well-Known Member
May 13, 2003
anyone here have a boat(s) that has a NASCAR design ? i have 3 and will have them posted before long so anyone else who has em post em on!
Joe, that wasn't very nice! I'm watching The Winston now! After all boat racing is "roundy-round" also! We just go the opposite way.
Hey Pete, we call that Drag Racing! ;D I'd like to see his pix if we can get back to the subject at hand. A Florida Club had Gas boats all done up with NASCAR paint schemes for a Spec class.
I saw a picture somewhere of Jeff Gordon holding an Enforcer (I think) that was done up in his Nascar paint scheme.

the other difference is we race about a 100th as many laps! ;D lol ,that wasn't very nice of me, i apologize to all roun-- er, NASCAR fans that were offended.

on subject, a guy at my club has Junior's number pasted on the front of his hull.

there used to be a guy down south of me with a very large hydroplane and deep v, i think they were gassers, the hydro was painted like Dale Earnhardt's #3 and the v was Mark Martins Valvoline... I'll see if i can get some pics for you guys... if he doesn't post them first :D

Don't we race in circles? that makes them roundy round doesn't it? even though its the opposite direction

from NASCAR their counter part in Austrailia runs clockwise.

SAW = Straight- A -Way

straight line record run not something thats sponsored by Stihl.