Internats F Hydro Results


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Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2003
I'm not trying to start anything but I'd like to know how the "GAS" boat ended up against the Nitro boats at the Nats.
Joe no distinction in the rulebook disallowing Gas powered boats as long as they fit the engine class size. Which some of the engines do. At the first of the year this was an issue and it was finally dropped and not even brought up a the IMPBA boards Internats meeting. Until the rulebook is changed Gas powered boats should be allowed to participate in any sanctioned IMPBA event unless the race flyer states otherwise (i.e. no gass powered boats allowed in F classes) That is the whole idea of going by a national type rulebook so members from any where will no what the running rules will be at the event they wish to enter.
bzubee said:
Joe no distinction in the rulebook disallowing Gas powered boats as long as they fit the engine class size. Which some of the engines do. At the first of the year this was an issue and it was finally dropped and not even brought up a the IMPBA boards Internats meeting. Until the rulebook is changed Gas powered boats should be allowed to participate in any sanctioned IMPBA event unless the race flyer states otherwise (i.e. no gass powered boats allowed in F classes) That is the whole idea of going by a national type rulebook so members from any where will no what the running rules will be at the event they wish to enter.
I'm not sure how this ties to my question. I just want to know how the gas boats finished.
Far as I know Gus Dolson raced f-mono with a gasser and made the trials,pretty good for a gas boat to make it at a national level......Mikey
SayMikey said:
Far as I know Gus Dolson raced f-mono with a gasser and made the trials,pretty good for a gas boat to make it at a national level......Mikey
He was only .708 slower than the 1st place boat in SAW and 3.253 slower than the 1st place boat in oval.
" Joe no distinction in the rulebook disallowing Gas powered boats as long as they fit the engine class size. "

I don't want this to become another gas vs. nitro arguement/war/debate. I just want to point out the one sentence that sits all by itself DIRECTLY under the engine size classification chart you all keep referring to in thinking that if a gas engine is under 30cc it's legal in F hydro or mono.

This is a DIRECT QUOTE from the current rulebook-

"Note: For Large Scale Gasoline engine classes see section "I", Large Scale Gasoline."

This one sentence says quite clearly, if it's gas you go to a different section which was specifically created for gas with it's own displacement categories. There is your distinction, it tells you, in BOLD print I might add, to go elsewhere in the rulebook. As I have said before, I think the advancements recently in the gas engines is awesome & alot of my boating buddies run gas, but how this simple sentence continues to be overlooked baffles me........ :blink:
Don Ferrette said:
" Joe no distinction in the rulebook disallowing Gas powered boats as long as they fit the engine class size. "
I don't want this to become another gas vs. nitro arguement/war/debate. I just want to point out the one sentence that sits all by itself DIRECTLY under the engine size classification chart you all keep referring to in thinking that if a gas engine is under 30cc it's legal in F hydro or mono.

This is a DIRECT QUOTE from the current rulebook-

"Note: For Large Scale Gasoline engine classes see section "I", Large Scale Gasoline."

This one sentence says quite clearly, if it's gas you go to a different section which was specifically created for gas with it's own displacement categories. There is your distinction, it tells you, in BOLD print I might add, to go elsewhere in the rulebook. As I have said before, I think the advancements recently in the gas engines is awesome & alot of my boating buddies run gas, but how this simple sentence continues to be overlooked baffles me........ :blink:
SO Where does it state no gas in F class? I think that sentence is only a reference to the gas engine sizes elsewhere in the rule book.

There have been gas boat s running F class since 1968 or earlier

Don do you have a problem with that situation? NOT being argumentive, just want to understand what you say.


That sentence plainly tells you to go elsewhere in the book & that's the point. I know gas boats ran with F boats for years, we did it all the time. But why? Well mostly because you didn't get enough gas entries to make a class so rather than turn them away you let them run (which I still would/will do to allow a person to run IF you had a lack of gas entries). Then when the gas stuff became more popular the whining, crying & bitching began about how it's not fair to run with the faster nitro boats, how the gas boats needed their own rules, how the gas boats should have their own Nats, etc & the IMPBA bent over backwards to make that happen. Now that the gas boats are running as well as they are they want to come back & mix it up with the nitro again. Why did we waste all that time & effort making all these (and there are alot) special gas classes for hulls, engine types, displacements just to go back to were we were in the first place? The gas crowd wanted their own corner of the boating community & they have it, including their very own Nats which I think is great. But take a 1 cube nitro boat to the gas races & try to enter it, ain't gonna happen. The gas gang wanted their own seperate entity & now they have it & that's where they belong. Now they want to run in nitro classes again but will be oh so quick to tell you that a nitro boat boesn't belong in the gas class races. Does that seem fair to you? :blink:

Does NAMBA allow gas boats in with nitro boats? :huh:

And I'm really only referring to the national level events for the time being since we now have the Gas Nats created SPECIFICALLY for the gas boats.

And for the record- I do LIKE the gas boats & have RUN gas boats & will probably DO so again ( in the appropriate GAS classes). :)
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OK thanks for the reply. Around here (midwest D4, D14) you cant find a group of gas racers big enough to hold a race, plus there are alot of fun runners not racers. So it is a good idea to invite Gas boats to race if they want to, some areas just dont have gas racers able to put on a race of their own.

Some of the gas riggers i have seen will run with the big dogs so why not let em.

Good idea about the Nats nitro only, but there hasnt been any signifgant turn out of gas powered boats any ways.
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