IMPBA potential presidents???


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Well stilll no roostertail. I did have three people suposed to find out why it is I dont get them but no news yet. My IMPBA number is 18811s
I don't think that the low count of people at races or cancelled meets this year can be pointed at the IMPBA. High Gas prices with the distances that racers have to drive may have been a factor. I didn't renew this past year as I spent almost every weekend working and that cut into my playtime also. Others may have their reasons why, with other family commitments. Our season is short up here so we have only so many weekends to do things. We had a problem up here in D- 2 with a lot of races scheduled too close together. I could not afford to hit every race 2 weeks apart if I could as all of them are across the State. At times it would have been easier for me to go to another district, 4 or 14 to race.

As for next year, I plan on hitting as many races as possible.
Ron, in specific I an referring to people that were main stays in the sport that have cashed out. And this was before the price of gas. Very quitely you here that this person was getting out our that person was getting out. Each for thier own different reason I am sure but all the same no one new to add for the lost.

I have to go there, when I say that the people that were in Dist 3 when I started are not the people in there now. But I would think based on numbers that this area would still be the largest concentration of boaters IF they were IMPBA.

I sincerely dout that IMPBA will return to the GLORY days. But the light shinning on the horizion is dim. The one thing that IMPBA can not AFFORD is another power struggle. Some decisions that will have to be made will not please everyone one.

But you MUST give your memebers their right. District directors need to have a growth plan and that plan needs to come from the top. I have seen excellent opportunities for a number of things but no one is looking at what it offers to the organization. And the GAS GUYS will claim that as their own. Think about it poeple we have the chance for exposure like never before. But the house has to be in order.

As far as the roostertail thing for me. Don't care anymore Tired of beating a dead

horse. Brain, Bill one less vote for one of you. And it could be the tie breaker! <_< <_<
BigChuck said:
I sincerely dout that IMPBA will return to the GLORY days. But the light shinning on the horizion is dim.  <_<   <_<

I think we all can see the light at the end of the tunnel and it's a train light!
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Hey Bill Z.

Wanna get the membership numbers up? How about impementing a recognized IMPBA ''Junior'' class. Almost every other sport has such a class for the kids/beginners.

I know Pat K was working on this very issue with recommendations I had made. Not sure what ever came of it.

Thanks ............................. Randy
Randy Rapedius said:
Hey Bill Z.
Wanna get the membership numbers up? How about impementing a recognized IMPBA ''Junior'' class. Almost every other sport has such a class for the kids/beginners.

I know Pat K was working on this very issue with recommendations I had made. Not sure what ever came of it.

Thanks ............................. Randy


I think Randy has brought up a very good point , without bringing young people into this hobby IMPBA will only get smaller and smaller.

I would like to see a Family membership created to help lessen the cost of joining.

If I sighn up my wife, son ,daugter and myself it would cost me $105 U.S. and that is a lot of money.

This hobby is already to expensive making it very hard for the average family to be able to afford and enjoy .

Tim Kish
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Tim k said:
Randy Rapedius said:
Hey Bill Z.
Wanna get the membership numbers up? How about impementing a recognized IMPBA ''Junior'' class. Almost every other sport has such a class for the kids/beginners.

I know Pat K was working on this very issue with recommendations I had made. Not sure what ever came of it.

Thanks ............................. Randy


I think Randy has brought up a very good point , without bringing young people into this hobby IMPBA will only get smaller and smaller.

I would like to see a Family membership created to help lessen the cost of joining.

If I sighn up my wife, son ,daugter and myself it would cost me $105 U.S. and that is a lot of money.

This hobby is already to expensive making it very hard for the average family to be able to afford and enjoy .

I know this was addressed to Bill Z. But I have a comment on this. The IMPBA has a group working non this we have had recomendations (or at least I have recieved some) on format and will be working on this in ernest next month. I will keep you posted.

Brian Nelsen

IMPBA Vice President
For those of you that have not recieved your newletters, I am working on this issue. I am looking at this from a little different way, I am working on it through the post office. They are giving me information on how to improove our results and still save money. They are also looking into issues of non delivery for those who have e-mailed me about roosertails and membership cards.

Just wanted to keep you posted as to my progress on this issue.

Brian Nelsen

IMPBA Vice President
First let me say whay it took so long to answer Randy's suggestion. I was in Las Vegas for my daughters's wedding and it was lots of fun and went very well. She even knew enough not to schedule it over a boat race weekend.

Now for the answer I have tried in the past under a lot of the old board members to get a better membership recruitment program underway I saw way back in 1996 that the membership was dropping off. I am well aware of the financial burden this hobby can and does put on some members and have always preached to clubs to keep the entry fees down as low as possible to allow families the afordability of racing. We as boat racing members can only do so much to reduce the cost of model boating ie. reduced dues, entry fees, reduced rates for hotel rooms ect. these are only a few ways. Some will work some will not, but every dollar a member that is on a budget can save may keep him and his family involved.

As for a national junior class I know Pat is working on this and I plan to do carry on where he leaves off in our District we have a kids class that seems to work pretty good: 12 and under any 21 tunnel or mono. I would like to see any boat and engine combination allowed this format could also be used for a Rookie Class/ Novice the rule would be if entered in kids class or Rookie Class/ Novice that is the only class you could enter. Once they have entered a regular class they could no longer go back to the kids or Rookie Class/ Novice

Reason fo rnot limiting the hulls or engines is the fact that hobby shops will sell a customer any boat and say they can race it then it is the hobbist that has to try and find a class to race. This way we are allowing the beginer to use what he has for at least a while without having to purchace a specific type boat. KEEP THE COST DOWN FOR THE BEGINER! Hope this answers your question Randy glad to see you are not out of boating yet!
Bill, the Novice class is a good idea to an extent. We have beginners in all age ranges, not just kids. I know that there are a lot of new boaters with their Nitro Hammers, Miss Buds, etc. that are disappointed to find out that we really don't have a class for them to run in. The ABS class was a good idea but have yet to see it used. Run a boat with a .15, .16 or .18 in it and they'll get smoked in "B".

The way that the kids class has been run for atleast 5 years has been:

Any boat 21 or smaller. No riggers.

What this means is any boat except a rigger not just tunnels and mono's. Example you show up with a Miss Bud boat with the stock 12 or any motor upto and including a 21 you would be allowed to race. this rule would cover anyboat that the average hobby shop carries.

I don't know how much attention you pay to the kids races but the really don't need 70mph riggers out there.
I watch them Allen but I don't see a problem with a kid running a rigger if he is good enough to run a hydro then he will not stick in the Kids class long. I think the main idea is to let anyone run in the these type classes and only these type until they decide to move up to the traditional classes. Most racers would get tired of running the Novice/Rookie or Kids class. If it is structured spec. wise it won't be too confusing and can be used nation wide. The ABS clas was designed for the this too but the manufactures have changed engines around so much the class is already out dated and needs to be re-written or scrapped.
Allen if you allow the Miss Bud how about the new Sport 20 hulls they can run around 50 mph or so and are basically the same type hull as the Miss BUD? Or a 20 Cat hull?
There is a couple of sport 20 boat being bult or already built by our own club members for the kids class. These club members will limit the top speed of the boats until the kids can handle the speed. The bad part about kids class is dad or granppa takes there 20 boat and let kid drive sorta but dad or grandpa is actually doing more driving than the kid. how much does this really teach the kid? You let riggers in and this will become more of a problem.

Boat racing is not affordable to most and never will be.

Dropping the membership prices down will do little and dropping club dues and race entries will also do very little. Boats are expensive. Motors are expensive. props are expensive.

I believe a spec clas could be good thing. I know in rc car racing it is a lot of fun to race the spec classes. You get a hand out motor and you have one car that you can use. you hacve two spring combinations that you can use and you have 3 gear combinations. you also have to run spec tires. these cars are bushing cars so maintance is minimal. there are some really close racing in this class. its not about setup and its not about horsepower it is just driving period. They also offer this in rookie novice and pro so there is always somewhere that you can be competitive.

Lots of fun.

anything but a rigger.

sport 20 yes

20 cat yes

20 canard yes.

Just no riggers.

o and by the way i have nothing against riggers as they are al i currently race but I don't race in the kids class.

I would have to agree with Allan on this one no riggers in these type of classes. I do agree that we need to have these classes and as Bill has stated either one of us would work to that end.

I would like to throw something else in the mix, I know this will be an insurance issue but it merits looking into. Some times when I am out running my boats my friends and people want to try it out. What about having try a boat day. There are many issues with this idea and I have a some what loose plan that may work. Any Ideas out there?

Brian Nelsen

IMPBA Vice President
Oh one more thing.

Please remember to Vote, Votes have to be in by the end of the month.

Thank you

Brian Nelsen
District 12 has had a successful novice class in place for a few years now. We keep it simple nitro up to .45 & any gas but no riggers. No age or time restriction & you can leave novice when you choose.

As for a "boat day" for 2 years now I have run the "let the kids try it" at the Centennial Park race in Maryland. This has been a HUGE success, the park & community absolutely love it. Talk about great PR for boating, it makes all the local papers!! The parents must be present, we sign up the kids to IMPBA on the spot & sponsor the fee.
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Here's another pic of the kids at the Centennial race. In the back row is district 12 director Tracy Dolphin, myself, & Larry Grosser of Hammerdown Racing who sponsored the IMPBA kids membership fees.
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