I think this is a BIG DEAL!


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Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2002
Tim k said:
Hey guy's welcome to the Dark side.
It seems that we as model boaters are finally mature enough to realize we can play together yet not to mature to still have fun.

My club  http://www.nlmbc.org/  has decided to add a couple electric  classes to our first race this year to see if we could get a few of you guys to come out and play.

Our club was aproached by a couple of people who wanted to race their electric boats at our club races  and I am proud to say the  club was very open to the idea.

We decided to try this at our first race of the season to see if it would draw enough racers to support the classes.

.If the turn out is strong I can see this being extended to our other races in the season .

So Anyone in the D-1 area that would like to come and play contact Randall Thomas for the date.

Hope to see you guy's there.

Tim Kish 



Indeed it is Doug.

I was fortunate enough to be at the last Northern Lights MBC meeting last Sunday and I was pleasantly surprised to have received a very warm welcome.

I was even asked to speak about FE and a proposal was tabled and passed which included for two classes to be determined to be added to the race schedule on their June 25,26th race date in Collingwood.

It was agreed to run the 1/3rd mile course with FE maybe running 4 laps. Depending upon the interest classes are tentatively set for Q mono and Q Sport Hydro.

I am sure some will bring other hulls to show in their pits.

I for one am very excited to share in a race date and have the opportunity to demonstrate what FE is all about. Collingwood is a beautiful area and I encourage any other FE boaters to attend. The area is a nice vacation spot as well.

I would really like to throw the 1/8th scale in there as well during open water...we (FE) in the Toronto area have ponds this size to really stretch our legs out on...should be a blast.

SteveReesor said:
The very same.




Where abouts the Collingwood area do they run? I never paid attention but aren't the ponds for the snowmakers large enough?
Hey Guy's

I am very proud to say that our club has some of the best people

in all of model boating in it.

You won't find the typical ego's that tend to go with this hobby in our club and best of all no body cares if you race Gas , FE or nitro powered boats as long as you enjoy what you do and have fun doing it.

Collingwood is a fantastic race site with camping on site and hotels minutes away ,so please tell your FE freinds about this great opportunity to show everyone what you guys can do .

I think it is very cool that we will have all three together at one event and I believe we can all benefit from each other as well.

Who knows if this works out well it may be the race of the future in all IMPBA districts.

Tim K
Tim k said:
I think it is very cool that we will have all three together at one event and I believe we can all benefit from each other as well.Who knows if this works out well it may be the race of the future in all IMPBA districts.



I, also, see it this way and find the possibilities for the future very exciting.

Just looking at the maps brings back some great memories. Growing up is like a Hoover vacuum.

Hopefully I'll get up there this summer. If anything just to spectate.
