I think the Deuce ROCKS!!


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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2005
First of all let me say, I've been waiting to run this boat for a month. I bought one from Tower and when it arrived it had some 'Issues" I sent it back and the entire boat was replaced by Tower/Hobby Services. Hats off to them for the "no hassle" replacement.

So you know, I also own an original vegas and have had a blast with it.

I know this new Deuce is not perfect...it has some "plastic" issues ,but, for the money it's a blast to run with just minor changes. (prop/strut adjustments)

Sure, there are a few changes I'd like to see, but c-mon people....it's a 300.00 boat!!

My biggest complaint? I wish the tactic radio had "locks" for the setting dials. I don't like the fact that the dials can be turned/bumped so easily....guess I'll get used to it.

First run today...break in and club race.

Right out of the box with a prop change(Y-535) and strut adjustment it was running great. I was lapping the old vegas boats while still breaking it in!. Ran 9-10 tanks through it with fantastic results and absolutely NO issues. That was the most fun I've had running boats in a long time!!

This is a screamer for a little ol .18

Go ahead, bash if ya want to....Not me. I'm totally satisfied that I bought a great little boat from a fantastic company!!

As Grim would say: "ROCK ON"