Here we go again


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Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2004
It's only the 25th of the month and things are very slow. It takes forever to open up a page. :( I think that we're dragging half of China with us. :huh: I hope that the site won't shut down. Thank god February only has 28 days!! :lol:

Hey Nick,

It must be your computer. Those Commodore 64's are obsolete you know. :p

The site seems to be working just fine for me. If you need your IW fix, come over to the shop. You can surf on one of our computers.

Peter R.
it's slow for me also....

and i just got this error:

mySQL query error: SELECT p.*, m.mgroup

FROM ibf_posts p

LEFT JOIN ibf_members m ON (

WHERE topic_id=8917 and queued=0


LIMIT 0,10

mySQL error: Server shutdown in progress

mySQL error code:

Date: Friday 25th of February 2005 09:42:04 AM
I just got this after trying for 5min to get in the site

mySQL error: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)

mySQL error code:

Date: Friday 25th of February 2005 02:43:18 PM
I had the same problem " error " but it was when I tried to " Go Back "

It's fine now....
Nick: I haven't found the site slow but my computer sure does funny stuff when I scroll past you posts with those funny little computer robot guys. I almost get a split screen effect.

Yup, she's slowin' down. If I go to any other sites I'm fine so I sure hope we're not headin' for yet another end of month crash. It always seems to start this way with the error message I just got-

mySQL error: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)

mySQL error code:

Date: Friday 25th of February 2005 04:00:37 PM

Then BOOM, within 24 hours that **** exceeded bandwidth crap comes up. I wonder if Tom was able to dump that leech in Japan that was suckin' up 33% of our bandwidth. :unsure:
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well i was trying for the pass 35 min to get in here and no luck :angry: :eek:

I think someone is playing games with us :angry:

I hope you find them Tom.If the site gose down c u guys on the firts of the month :lol: Nick

When i was at these nice pages it happened to me as well. Very slow, same error reports, using back sometimes works.

Guess what? My wife's laptop with wifi is doing much better, it is a liitle slower then normal but no messages or other funny stuff.

Don't know if any good, the home pc is about 3 years old, the laptop just one month. We are using broadband.

Greetings from the Netherlands, Ronald -aka Moron.