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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2007
Hi guy's I'd like to take a minute to introduce myself... My name is Tom and I've been a modeler for years with airplanes, cars and heli's, and also done a fair amount of competitive control line combat, but I'm fairly inexperienced with the boats. I recently purchased a used Lap Cat III off E Bay... What a mistake!!! or maybe not, I've had to totally go through the thing, but it 's been a good learning experience and I've learned a lot about set up and all the little gremlins' that can get into a boat. It happens with all models but the problems they cause are different with each type of model. The boat has also given me a fast but fairly forgiving boat to learn to drive with, but alas I have decided that outboards are not where I want to continue my venture. My heart lies with the Sport and Scale Hydros and now I'm eady to build my first boat which due to my OCD will probably wind up being as much a work of art as a full on racer so my question to you all is.................


Is any one familiar with Phil Thomas of RC Marines' Super Sport 21 Hydro? What is the ease of the build and set up? How are the handling characteristics and how competitive would this hull be for racing? I would like to set this hull up with either a Rossi Pirrhana .21 or the new CMB Valvola .21 RS 7. What are your thoughts? Is there a place here in the USA to order the new 2008 version of the CMB Valvola .21 RS 7? Thanks to all for any input you may have on these matters.
The SSP21 fropm Phill T is as competitive as any boat out there. Set it up per Phill's instructions and it will be VERY fast and handle VERY well.

You can get CMB engines from a few different places. Try Stuu barr
The SSP21 fropm Phill T is as competitive as any boat out there. Set it up per Phill's instructions and it will be VERY fast and handle VERY well. You can get CMB engines from a few different places. Try Stuu barr
Thanks do you have any contact info for Stuu Barr?
Hi Tom

Welcome! The ssp 21 Phil Thomas makes is a very good boat, I dont think you will be disappointed. Phil also frequents this site. He is very helpful when it comes to making your boat run well. Stu Barr imports the Cmb motor line for North America. He checks this site also. Bruce Jacobs is a dealer. I think if you look back a few pages on the for sale section, He is having an inventory reduction sale and that motor was on there in the 06 and 07 version. Sorry, I dont know if there is any difference between them. Hope this helps. Where are you located? Theyre may be some boaters near you. Ken
The SSP21 fropm Phill T is as competitive as any boat out there. Set it up per Phill's instructions and it will be VERY fast and handle VERY well. You can get CMB engines from a few different places. Try Stuu barr
Thanks do you have any contact info for Stuu Barr?
Bruce Jacobs sells the CMB motors from Stu Barr his email is [email protected]

Hey call me 217 358 3167 or email [email protected] when you want to get a SuperSport21 boat.

Phil Thomas
I have a Phil Thomas Sport 21 hull that I'm running with a Greenhead Valvola. The setup drives like its on rails, and the Valvola makes a great combo. Very fast and stable.
Hi TomWelcome! The ssp 21 Phil Thomas makes is a very good boat, I dont think you will be disappointed. Phil also frequents this site. He is very helpful when it comes to making your boat run well. Stu Barr imports the Cmb motor line for North America. He checks this site also. Bruce Jacobs is a dealer. I think if you look back a few pages on the for sale section, He is having an inventory reduction sale and that motor was on there in the 06 and 07 version. Sorry, I dont know if there is any difference between them. Hope this helps. Where are you located? Theyre may be some boaters near you. Ken
I live in Henderson NV about 8 miles outside side of Las Vegas. There are a lot of gas guys here, but I'm a nitro guy. My neighbor and a few others do nitro so I know about 4-5 guys near me that do nitro. Most of them are running modified RTR hulls, but I just can't bring myself to take the easy way out. I always have to be different and I always want the nicest stuff at the park whether it be a plane, car, heli, boat or my Hot Rod. I get a certain satisfaction out of building my models myself and when they work they usually work well. Of course being different doesn't always pay off. Occasionally something looks really cool and nice and doesn't work for S$%! Which just goes to prove to some that looks aren't everything. I disagree! I just go home and tear it apart or put it on display and start again.
Have a Good One!

If your buddies are running the rtr hydros like the Miss Vegas etc. then you could run in the same class if theirs are modified, that is if you run IMPBA. I don't know about NAMBA. Stick to Phil's instructions and you will have a fast and stable boat. You can tweak it to your liking but it will be pretty close first time out. We use the new CMB from Stew Bar and I gotta say, even though it is pricy it is very fast and dependable right out of the box. Cooper makes a quiet pipe that has a smaller diameter muffler than the stock pipe. You will need that one if you opt for the stealth cowl. Everything is a tight fit but it will fit. Have Fun!
If your buddies are running the rtr hydros like the Miss Vegas etc. then you could run in the same class if theirs are modified, that is if you run IMPBA. I don't know about NAMBA. Stick to Phil's instructions and you will have a fast and stable boat. You can tweak it to your liking but it will be pretty close first time out. We use the new CMB from Stew Bar and I gotta say, even though it is pricy it is very fast and dependable right out of the box. Cooper makes a quiet pipe that has a smaller diameter muffler than the stock pipe. You will need that one if you opt for the stealth cowl. Everything is a tight fit but it will fit. Have Fun!
Yes, they are all running modified Miss Vegas', most with OS .21's or modified OPS .18's. They all seem to run really well, but I want something a little different with an edge, and I really like the SS.21 with the stealth cowl! That is one really sweet looking boat.

I bought a ssp21 that was in the painted stage and the radio box had been installed.I removed both and started from scratch..

It turned out very nice in my opinion and once i figured out (with the help of fellow members)how to set it up it worked great all summer long.I run the turbine cowl and the cmb valvola and really like it.My friend runs the stealth cowl and nova rossi and he like that as well.

This was also my first build.Although it ws painted i figured the rest ou with some help from hereI run the rear radio box and Dan runs the front and there is really no difference between the speed.

It just depends on what you like the best and can work with the best.I would recommend personally the single tank in the front and the rear radio box.

I could not turn the props that some of the guys are partly due to only using 30% nitro.It liked the x438 the best of all..

Have a look ..
