Has anyone else gotten wierd emails???


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Active Member
Jul 15, 2002
I have gotten three emails lately with little or no text, mostly just a subject line. The first two I didn't recognize where they were from. The one said something about an engine being the right choice for me, I don't remember the second. I deleted them for fear of some type of virus. The third, however, is from [email protected] with a subject line that just says "support them" and nothing else. The return path has been the same for all three: Return-Path: <[email protected]> . I wondered if maybe the Intlwaters server was hacked for email addresses or maybe has a virus?? Otherwise I don't see why I would get these strange emails. Ideas anyone...Tom??? I have the third email if you want to see it. Thanks! FF
you can rest assured that the intlwaters server is currently secure. What is happening is the kletz virus is acting up. The virus sends it self usually several times to everyone in your address book.... also making it look like it was from someone else in your address book. I saw also that on www.rumrunnerracing.com a lot of people were getting them. it seems that a couple people with a lot of rc boaters in there address book must have the virus.

i've got about 10 of them in the last few days

oh yea.... did I mention that i switched to linux for my workstation.... making the viruses harmless to me :)
I also have gotten the same kind of emails. I deleted them without opening. I also got one with an attachment that had some kind of .exe file. Since I didn't know the sender I did a shift-delete. That deletes it without sending it to the recycle bin.

Always be very careful when getting emails with attachments from unknown people. If you unsure, delete it!

Ed Radz
:eek: Well guys, I have been getting the same thing, but I have finally realized what is is. My virus detector has been blocking it, but look out for the Klez virus. It can replicate itself and do harm to the comp. It can even shutdown a virus detector, so your screwed in that case. Go to www.antivirus.com and search for Klez. I is nasty.

Billy R.