Engine Questions


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May 31, 2008
I'm building a Whiplash Sport 40 as my first boat. I'm ready to start mounting hardware to make sure everything is balalnced before I skin the top of the boat. I have some engine questions. I know that the Red head CMBs are the best motor available with plenty of parts available. However, they are pricey. If I buy used, I have a couple of questions.

Are there plenty of parts still available for the purple head CMBs?

If I were to buy a MAC 45, do the red head CMB parts fit the MAC?


If your buying a new 45, Wait a few more months, Glenn @ Novarossi.us says there could be a Novarossi 45 soon.
I'm building a Whiplash Sport 40 as my first boat. I'm ready to start mounting hardware to make sure everything is balalnced before I skin the top of the boat. I have some engine questions. I know that the Red head CMBs are the best motor available with plenty of parts available. However, they are pricey. If I buy used, I have a couple of questions.
Are there plenty of parts still available for the purple head CMBs?

If I were to buy a MAC 45, do the red head CMB parts fit the MAC?


From what I understand, there are still parts available for the purple head CMB 45's, so as far as I know, that is a viable option.

Now, the red head CMB 45HR that looks like the MAC 45. I wouldn't waist my time or money. That is my opinion, from my experience with that engine.

Now there is also the CMB red head "evo, Grand Prix" style witch is the CMB 45RS.

That is what I own, and feel it is a good engine.

Now from the other post, Rossi is supposed to be making a 45, now what it's going to be???????????????

Your guess is as good as mine.

CMB 45RS with a Mac's 7.5 pipe at 10-5/8" is my set up of choice
mac parts will not fit the cmb's. the purple head, and the red head hydro, parts are interchangeable for the most part. the rs is a good motor

if nova makes one it should be a good motor, but will need testing, just like any brand of motor does, before anyone can say it is good. been there and done that!
mac parts will not fit the cmb's. the purple head, and the red head hydro, parts are interchangeable for the most part. the rs is a good motorif nova makes one it should be a good motor, but will need testing, just like any brand of motor does, before anyone can say it is good. been there and done that!
Hey Steve:

As far as you know do all the new red head HR parts fit the older purple head? Is the backplate interchangeable? :rolleyes: