earth race hydro boat smashed by ship!!!!


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To Bill and all the supporters of the Whaling ship,

It is now official that the Whaling ship changed course to make contact with the stationary protest vessel. I doubt that the Australian government or anybody for that matter will have the guts to do anything about it though.

Whatever, The smaller vessel did not give way to the larger vessel. PERIOD.

I really doubt it is very easy at all to navigate a vessel as large as the whaling ship in close quarters as they had to navigate in. Add the rough sea's, and it only spotlights the idiocy of the pilot of the smaller vessel.
It is pretty clear from the videos that the whaling vessel changed course and intentionally hit the Ady Gil, which was barely moving at the time. It's pretty hard to give way when you're virtually stationary and another boat changes course to ram you!

This happened in a whale sanctuary, so even with Japan's legal quotas, they should not have been hunting whales in the area.
To Bill and all the supporters of the Whaling ship,

It is now official that the Whaling ship changed course to make contact with the stationary protest vessel. I doubt that the Australian government or anybody for that matter will have the guts to do anything about it though.

Whatever, The smaller vessel did not give way to the larger vessel. PERIOD.

I really doubt it is very easy at all to navigate a vessel as large as the whaling ship in close quarters as they had to navigate in. Add the rough sea's, and it only spotlights the idiocy of the pilot of the smaller vessel.
It is pretty clear from the videos that the whaling vessel changed course and intentionally hit the Ady Gil, which was barely moving at the time. It's pretty hard to give way when you're virtually stationary and another boat changes course to ram you!

This happened in a whale sanctuary, so even with Japan's legal quotas, they should not have been hunting whales in the area.
Look at the video again,the one that the japs took.. look at the back transom on aby can see the prop wash really picked up as they where going toreds the ship..she wasnt stationary.They did that before with aby gil,running in front of a ship.. But this time they cut it to short and lost a beutifull hydro in the prosses...thats complete stupiedy..reckless andangerment of other lifes...Plus there subposed to be greenpeace?? Well they just dumped 3000 gallon of diesl fuel at the bottom of the ocean plus other oils&junk that was on that hydro..To me both partys should pritty heavly charged...That way this will send a both sides...
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To Bill and all the supporters of the Whaling ship,

It is now official that the Whaling ship changed course to make contact with the stationary protest vessel. I doubt that the Australian government or anybody for that matter will have the guts to do anything about it though.

Whatever, The smaller vessel did not give way to the larger vessel. PERIOD.

I really doubt it is very easy at all to navigate a vessel as large as the whaling ship in close quarters as they had to navigate in. Add the rough sea's, and it only spotlights the idiocy of the pilot of the smaller vessel.
It is pretty clear from the videos that the whaling vessel changed course and intentionally hit the Ady Gil, which was barely moving at the time. It's pretty hard to give way when you're virtually stationary and another boat changes course to ram you!

This happened in a whale sanctuary, so even with Japan's legal quotas, they should not have been hunting whales in the area.
Look at the video again,the one that the japs took.. look at the back transom on aby can see the prop wash really picked up as they where going toreds the ship..she wasnt stationary.They did that before with aby gil,running in front of a ship.. But this time they cut it to short and lost a beutifull hydro in the prosses...thats complete stupiedy..reckless andangerment of other lifes...Plus there subposed to be greenpeace?? Well they just dumped 3000 gallon of diesl fuel at the bottom of the ocean plus other oils&junk that was on that hydro..To me both partys should pritty heavly charged...That way this will send a both sides...
They stated that they had put the Ady Gil into reverse to get out of the way, so some wash will come from the back (it has props after all, so even in reverse some wash will be apparent).

There was little wash before that, they were simply trolling along, unlike the whaling vessel that steamed straight into them, and changed course to do it. Do you really think the Ady Gil crew would deliberately hit the far larger and heavier whaler while some members were up top? And the fact that the Japanese kept hitting them with water cannons after the collision showed it was deliberate.

When they were cutting across the whalers in other footage, they were never running as slowly as they were during the collision - hence they weren't doing that at the time of the collision.

It's not a hydro, it's a wave-piercing trimaran.

They pumped the fluids out as soon as they could after the incident, and well before it sunk.

Bob Barker's money did not go to purchasing this boat, the money came from Ady Gil (from California). He has since said he'll send them enough money to build a new one.

It's not GreenPeace, it's Sea Shepherd - different organisation.
To Bill and all the supporters of the Whaling ship,

It is now official that the Whaling ship changed course to make contact with the stationary protest vessel. I doubt that the Australian government or anybody for that matter will have the guts to do anything about it though.

Whatever, The smaller vessel did not give way to the larger vessel. PERIOD.

I really doubt it is very easy at all to navigate a vessel as large as the whaling ship in close quarters as they had to navigate in. Add the rough sea's, and it only spotlights the idiocy of the pilot of the smaller vessel.
It is pretty clear from the videos that the whaling vessel changed course and intentionally hit the Ady Gil, which was barely moving at the time. It's pretty hard to give way when you're virtually stationary and another boat changes course to ram you!

This happened in a whale sanctuary, so even with Japan's legal quotas, they should not have been hunting whales in the area.
Look at the video again,the one that the japs took.. look at the back transom on aby can see the prop wash really picked up as they where going toreds the ship..she wasnt stationary.They did that before with aby gil,running in front of a ship.. But this time they cut it to short and lost a beutifull hydro in the prosses...thats complete stupiedy..reckless andangerment of other lifes...Plus there subposed to be greenpeace?? Well they just dumped 3000 gallon of diesl fuel at the bottom of the ocean plus other oils&junk that was on that hydro..To me both partys should pritty heavly charged...That way this will send a both sides...
They stated that they had put the Ady Gil into reverse to get out of the way, so some wash will come from the back (it has props after all, so even in reverse some wash will be apparent).

There was little wash before that, they were simply trolling along, unlike the whaling vessel that steamed straight into them, and changed course to do it. Do you really think the Ady Gil crew would deliberately hit the far larger and heavier whaler while some members were up top? And the fact that the Japanese kept hitting them with water cannons after the collision showed it was deliberate.

When they were cutting across the whalers in other footage, they were never running as slowly as they were during the collision - hence they weren't doing that at the time of the collision.

It's not a hydro, it's a wave-piercing trimaran.

They pumped the fluids out as soon as they could after the incident, and well before it sunk.

Bob Barker's money did not go to purchasing this boat, the money came from Ady Gil (from California). He has since said he'll send them enough money to build a new one.

It's not GreenPeace, it's Sea Shepherd - different organisation.
When you revers it. the wash doesnt go backwards like that.. Form the video they hit the throtle... the capt said it was in revers?? wrong...They done this tactic before..and now they a trimaran,,its close enough to be a cardard hydro..
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Do you really think the Ady Gil crew would deliberately hit the far larger and heavier whaler while some members were up top?
Those nut cases, heck yeah!

It's not GreenPeace, it's Sea Shepherd - different organisation.
Yes, it is Sea Shepherd

The reason why the whalers prayed them was because they were attacked by Sea Shepherd which tried to damage the ship's propeller with a steel wire rope or similar.

I read about Paul Watson. It looks like he is marrying one of the crew's female every now and then, before he divorce them and move on to the next. A great guy, seems like...