Dist. 12 Race #3


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Maybe someone can convince the Capital District to do the second race this year. Getting people to help will not be a problem, plus, now thanks to John Finch, they will be able to hear the CD at the White House!!!!...... ;)
"Obama...you're on the clock..." Lol!
You guys are crazy! I love it! Chilli....between your grass allergies and my nitro allergy we make a fine pair. Loved that rigger racing. You kicked my Butt this weekend. A very fast study you are! When we were running down the back straightaway that one time we were so close side by side that I think maybe our sponsons were in each others lane, but you held your cool and we kept on going. Great to race with you. You know how to hold your lane. Of should I say OUR lane.
Maybe someone can convince the Capital District to do the second race this year. Getting people to help will not be a problem, plus, now thanks to John Finch, they will be able to hear the CD at the White House!!!!...... ;)
"Obama...you're on the clock..." Lol!
You guys are crazy! I love it! Chilli....between your grass allergies and my nitro allergy we make a fine pair. Loved that rigger racing. You kicked my Butt this weekend. A very fast study you are! When we were running down the back straightaway that one time we were so close side by side that I think maybe our sponsons were in each others lane, but you held your cool and we kept on going. Great to race with you. You know how to hold your lane. Of should I say OUR lane.
You guys did look like you were having entirely too much fun. Man I miss racing hydro's!!! gotta get the sport hydro built and done first, then look out, I am off to get a good running rigger. At that point, lets get this party started!!!!!!!!
You guys are crazy! I love it! Chilli....between your grass allergies and my nitro allergy we make a fine pair. Loved that rigger racing. You kicked my Butt this weekend. A very fast study you are! When we were running down the back straightaway that one time we were so close side by side that I think maybe our sponsons were in each others lane, but you held your cool and we kept on going. Great to race with you. You know how to hold your lane. Of should I say OUR lane.
John F, Like we discussed during the weekend, sometimes everything goes your way. Thats what happened to me last weekend. All my boats were running good while you had some mechanical issues. One thing's for sure, the Road Runner makes me look like a better driver than I am. I appologize for crowding you in on that final heat. It was a little tighter than I would of liked but like you said, no one paniced and all was good....at least untill the front strait. I felt better about your blow over after I saw the video that Pete took. Though I still felt like I forced you to the outside because I crowded you in so tight. I've had more fun running that rigger this year than any other class. Robin's boat is looking better every race and I'm looking forward to a race when we all go toe to toe for four rounds.

(Delete "Rommel" from the audio and add "Finch")

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Gas rigger has been a ton of fun! thanx for getting me hooked, mike. still sorting the boat & engine out, but looking better all the time. i still have a hard time adjusting tto the fact that a boat that big/heavy & fast can be that responsive. just trying to stay out of the way & make laps until i feel confident enough to mix it up with you guys.....Time to burn more fuel.
You guys are crazy! I love it! Chilli....between your grass allergies and my nitro allergy we make a fine pair. Loved that rigger racing. You kicked my Butt this weekend. A very fast study you are! When we were running down the back straightaway that one time we were so close side by side that I think maybe our sponsons were in each others lane, but you held your cool and we kept on going. Great to race with you. You know how to hold your lane. Of should I say OUR lane.
John F, Like we discussed during the weekend, sometimes everything goes your way. Thats what happened to me last weekend. All my boats were running good while you had some mechanical issues. One thing's for sure, the Road Runner makes me look like a better driver than I am. I appologize for crowding you in on that final heat. It was a little tighter than I would of liked but like you said, no one paniced and all was good....at least untill the front strait. I felt better about your blow over after I saw the video that Pete took. Though I still felt like I forced you to the outside because I crowded you in so tight. I've had more fun running that rigger this year than any other class. Robin's boat is looking better every race and I'm looking forward to a race when we all go toe to toe for four rounds.

(Delete "Rommel" from the audio and add "Finch")

You are too funny!!!!! The last heat I hit something because the rudder was tore up pretty good on the leading edge. I hope it wasn't your boat I hit. It's been my luck the last two races. You and Robin are a hoot!
Thanks Pete! Great job as always. I like that yellow gas rigger in your last post.... :)

Guys, Just got a email from Mike Reach over at the UOSA. We're approved for race D12 #4 August 23-25. I just want to make sure we'll be okay with the race sanction since we're less than 2 months out. When we get the okay, I'll apply for the race sanction online and start a new thread here for the race. Registration will be via RC Racing events.
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Thanks Pete! Great job as always. I like that yellow gas rigger in your last post.... :)

Guys, Just got a email from Mike Reach over at the UOSA. We're approved for race D12 #4 August 23-25. I just want to make sure we'll be okay with the race sanction since we're less than 2 months out. When we get the okay, I'll apply for the race sanction online and start a new thread here for the race. Registration will be via RC Racing events.
Very good...thanks Sir!

Pete...great pics!
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Thanks so much for sharing the great pics with everyone. Awesome shots of everyone and some of the boats..... :)