Clean up after a day at the pond?


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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2004
What are you using to clean you boats after a day at the pond? I like my boats to be clean and grease free, rags are just not enough.


I am now using a citrus (orange) based cleaner. Natural cleaner that does not harm the finish, degreases and cleans up real well. For a long time used a Glass Plus type cleaner but went to the orange over 2 years ago. Does better job and just as cheap.

The Orange Cleaner that John Speaks of is Awesome. I get it at Home Depot and it's made by ZEP. Best Environmentaly Friendly Product you can get. Great Stuff!
Dawn dish wash liquid with a 1-1/2 paint brush. I take motor and pipe out, and wash & rinse like hell. I can't stand fuel stains or oily boats! Remember, if you will eat off dishes washed with the stuff it's gotta work on your boat, and cheep too!

Mike Stutzman
I just use the dish wash liquid that the wife has under the sink and some warm water. Works well.
I just use the dish wash liquid that the wife has under the sink and some warm water. Works well.

Yes but have you told her why it gets empty so quick! My wife is still trying to work out why the wndow cleaner keeps disapearing!! polishes boats with out streaking
We had a guy that raced with us that put his boats under the front porch after a days racing. They never saw a cleaning towel or degreaser. Talk about some nasty looking boats!

I've been using Windex for cleaning up after a day on the water. My wife got smart and puts a bottle of Windex on the shopping list just for me.
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Clean 'em off??? We're suppose to clean 'em off??? Oh.... that's right... FE boats don't need cleaning off after a race! Just a quick wipe with a clean towel to dry them off... ;)

Seriously... in the latest RC Boat Modeler, they give a recipe for a mixture of Simple Green, Alcohol, etc... that is supposed to work well for cleaning up after a weekend of Nitro fun...