Calling all scale racers!!!


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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Dec 28, 2001
This year at out Joseph sparr memorial race the scale class will have a concourse trophy and a special trophy honoring Tim Lesnewski a scale builder and guru who passed away this year. The trophy will have the winners name engraved on it for all to see forever and names will be added every year. So if you thing the ol boat is running good come to the race and give it a shot at history. Race info and registration info is on the site under events . The date has been changed to the 23-25th of Sept. Let's end the year on a grand SCALE!!!!!!!!
Charles, sounds like a good plan to have a traveling trophy.

We have some clubs out here in dist 4 and 14 that have cup races the Minute Breakers Silver Cup has been around since 78 i think. there is a cup at the Illini race also in dist4. In dist 14 there is the Indiana govenors cup at the Indy club and Evansville has cup races for sport40 and 40 hydro.

What other clubs have a scale hydro cup race yearly?
Phil i don't know of any that have a cup style race on the east coast but i hope we are starting a trend you midwest guys have been doing for years. If your not running come on over and bring the shovelnose.