Assembling your 1st Villain S1


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That is a bute!!!! Wow always makes you feel good to see your products working. Thanks for the kind words,I still remember that steering wheel fuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!

Remember what they say They run faster with PB Racing stickers on them,HEEHEHEEH!!!!!

To change the subject the OS PB Racing outboard motor we are working on an testing is flying. We know at least low to mid 50's bagum radar gun won't pick it up. But it makes our Rossi .21 look like paint drying. More news later ;D


PB Racing
Looking good Jeff!

Any change of listing some prices on the items Tim crafted for you?

Maybe as a bit of an extra plug you know (not that he needs it ;) ) also what steering s4rvo are you using, and did Tim also make the arm on the steering servo...very nice!

Oh yeah Jeff, i forgot to mention that you should add to your article that Automotive Body Putty works a treat with fixing un-even surfaces/edges...hey JD ;D :eek: : :)


Where are these fine hidden files on your sever? I keep seeing these http addresses, but I can't locate them by using the given options I have on this forum.. Is there any possibility that you might list some of these so we poor souls that don't have admin authority can see them? HHHHMMMMMMM???


BTW, Jeff... I'm jellllllllous... Cool looking boat...