ABS Hotshot Setup Questions


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Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2005
I m having few problems setup on my Hotshot Sprint.

1) Fuel tank was setup as per instructions, i.e. secured using the Velcro tape method. Problem is that s soon as any fuel spills on the tape the adhesive coating on the tape is disolved. Can anyone give me some advice/pictures on alternative setups.

2) The boat was built as per the instructions with the exception of the motor, I opted for the OS Max engine. It seems that the balance point on the boat is a lot further back towards the transom than the instructions say it should be. I understnd that the OS motor is few ounces hevier than the K&B. Does the balance point being a couple of inches back make a big difference. The boat seems to run very well!


theringwah2002 said:
I m having few problems setup on my Hotshot Sprint. 1) Fuel tank was setup as per instructions, i.e. secured using the Velcro tape method. Problem is that s soon as any fuel spills on the tape the adhesive coating on the tape is disolved. Can anyone give me some advice/pictures on alternative setups.

2) The boat was built as per the instructions with the exception of the motor, I opted for the OS Max engine. It seems that the balance point on the boat is a lot further back towards the transom than the instructions say it should be. I understnd that the OS motor is  few ounces hevier than the K&B. Does the balance point being a couple of inches back make a big difference. The boat seems to run very well!




Please don't take this the wrong way but, that boat is pure junk. I had one like that and I burnt it. I had the same prob that you are having. It is not you it is just that is a bad boat. The wooden version is a hell of alot better then the abs. I recommend you get a different hull such as a villian from Grim Racer or a hopper 260. If you need if to contact these people let me know and I will get you that information.
If you look in the NAMBA Record Book you'll see that a Man in my Club set a

Record with one of those plastic boats powered by His Mod K&B engine, man's

Name is "Clarence Smith" Grants Pass, OR B) (Non-piped Engine)
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My very first boat was a Dumas ABS tunnel, and I helped Billy Berdzar run Clarance's boat to second place in A Mod Tunnel at the 2000 NAMBA Nationals. By today's standards the boat is a little small, but as Jerry says, it can be very fast on smooth water. It takes a lot of lead to get the balance right. Don't be afraid to add it. Be careful to make the sponson bottoms flat with SHARP corners. Either sheet them or use sandpaper and Bondo. The main problem most people have is that the built in radio box leaks. Either build a separate radio box or use lots of silicone to seal the joints.

PS. My favorite way to hold on a fuel tank is to screw cup hooks into wood placed under the tank area. Then hold the tank with rubber bands. See the attached picture.

Lohring Miller
Another thing you will want to do or should I say not do, is don't leave the boat out in the heat. It is plastic and will warp. Warping is bad for a tunnel. Definately add weight to get the boat to balance at the CG. A few small holes 1/16" will help the boat from balloning and warpign the hull when the air heats up.

well i guess my boat is a piece of junk!i happen to have that junk boat abs hot shot, and its better than my bandit 30!i will agree it needs to be at least 28" long.ilove my little hot shot 21 abs yes i have modified the hull it is stiff as a board,and i do eat villians and hopper for breakfast needless to say they try to run me down but cant!my avg. lap time with this boat is from high 14 sec. to mid 15 sec. runs avg. lap speed 34-35 mph this might no impress most people,but it is the fastest tunnel in our club.


i left this out by accident our course is a bit smaller than normal size, ours has 280' straights and 37' radius 6 laps is = 9/10 mile.

I love my boat! and in a couple of days after getting it I was out there playing around. I think that it is a fantastic starting point for me. I haven’t had any problems with the Velcro supplied with the kit but I don't get fuel in that area. Even on a big stack I've not had problems.



PS: I don't know how that happened.
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I built my 7.5 hot shot and although ive only run it a few times im also using the velcro.

I havnt had any probs at this stage.

The only thing i did do was i didnt use the velcro that came with the kit i got some other and have plenty on the tank.Maybe im not driving fast enough yet. :)

greg, thnks for that, I will have a play with the velcro again, if it fails again I will fabricate something.

take a look here:

abs hot-shot

you can see my setup and a few great action shots. This was te fastest 3,5 in Holland for a few years. Recently it was beaten by a Mac powered Leecraft (what do you need to beat a 20 year old hull with a 25 year old K&B :D :D He paul?? )
forgot: CG was at 35% allthough you would not say it according to the pictures :unsure:

Thanks for that, I can see that there was a cable tie holding the tank, what was under the tank to hold the tie down?

I heated a peace of ABS sheeting to bent it 90 degrees. Some superglue (to glue it to the hull) made it a standard for the tank. I made it as high as possible to get a good fuel flow to the carb.
kind off like this one:

aamick1971 said:
well i guess my boat is a piece of junk!i happen to have that junk boat abs hot shot, and its better than my bandit 30!i will agree it needs to be at least 28" long.ilove my little hot shot 21 abs yes i have modified the hull it is stiff as a board,and i do eat villians and hopper for breakfast needless to say they try to run me down but cant!my avg. lap time with this boat is from high 14 sec. to mid 15 sec. runs avg. lap speed 34-35 mph this might no impress most people,but it is the fastest tunnel in our club. thanks,



Allen: how have you modified your hull to be "stiff as a board"? Planked on the sponsons? Or??????? Do you know where your cg is aprox from transom?

this info may help me to be the fastest 3.5 outboard in my club. (we currently only have 2) :D


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the hull it self has been modified the bottom was striped of the plastic to get that cheap foam out that does expan if left in the heat.new foam was replaced in side it with the lighter cellouse foam that doesn't expan,it can cut to any shape to fit.while the bottom was out we took the time to reseal everything in the hull the hull is actually three pieces we took the transon and took out the screw inserts an replaced them with blind nuts and used 1/4" hobby ply in the transon then coated it with (hobby ply) thin ca to water poof it.next we cut the hobby plywood into 4x4 strips to put on both sides of the center section, we ca in this to stiffen up the hull.the cover was made out lexan film .40 thickness was also ca to seal it at least now you can see if your getting any water in your boat.

on the sponsons we rought up the lenght of them to add speed strips these are made out of the same lexan.cut alittle bit longer and about an 1/8" wider but has the same shape as the sponsons do.the 1/8" gives you 1/16" overhang on the inside an outside of the sponson.this gives you a better ride surface and a sharpe eaged to make the water break away form the boat faster. they were seal on with 30 min. expoy in the center so you can get them on right,then filled the rest with thin ca this might use alot of the bigger bottle of ca.my cg is still about the same at 31%.

the area of the fuel tanks instead of using velcro go to local hobby shop an get some thin brass rod about 1/16" dia. it bends really easy make a small loop at the bottom and at the top make a hook you should be able to use small screws to hold the hooks in place put a little ca around them to seal it now you can use rubber bands to hold the fuel tanks in place. well i use two a 6oz. and 1oz. as hopper tank i never have any trobble with this system staying in the boat ,yes it is alittle tight ,but it works.

the radio box the wall inside was also coated with thin ca the hardware that came with the boat was not used.we made our own using 4-40 rod we used wheel collars to put the two rods together this allows for more ajustment on steering. also the use of the du-bro boots to keep water out.

my motor is also modified k&b ss has a lawless lower and an irwin pipe.

hope this helps alittle this might not be the best way to modified this boat,but this what we did and seem to work,and we now sense done a few others the same way with good results. i'll try to get some pic of it on here soon!!!!

our web site: www.rmhalliday.com/rcboats there you can find video all of our boats information on boats, anything rc boats.



I'll be flat out in the next couple off weeks modifying now :)



PS: a couple of photos would be fantastic. I had a look at the site and they were all from above. Would it be posible to get a better look at the sponson?.
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