.21 supercharged


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tim mathias

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2009
has anyone ever tried to use a car supercharger on a .21 i/b or o/b ? these supercharger claim 50- 200% increase in air flow . would this be legal in races or something just for sport ? would they hold up to the constant high rpm's,cars would be more varied. i am a machinist and like to tinker around , looking for some input . :wacko:
has anyone ever tried to use a car supercharger on a .21 i/b or o/b ? these supercharger claim 50- 200% increase in air flow . would this be legal in races or something just for sport ? would they hold up to the constant high rpm's,cars would be more varied. i am a machinist and like to tinker around , looking for some input . :wacko:
dont bother getting one... its a big waste of time and money.. this issue been hashed for three years on INTLWATERS and RCU.....the boats are under more loades then a car is...for the money you better off getting a good.21 and with the wright tune pipe you'll have a better&faster boat then one with a super charger.....your tune pipe is your supercharger/turbo...
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As Misshydro said, these pop up every so often. If you're dealing with a four stroke engine, it might work if it doesn't blow the head off the engine. As for a two stroke, the pressurized air will do nothing more than blow the fuel straight through the cylinder since there is no exhaust valve to restrict the outlet from the cylinder. What makes a tuned pipe work is it pushes the unburned fuel back into the engine before the piston closes off the exhaust port. The result is that the tuned pipe gives the engine more fuel to burn and therefore more power.
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If you have the time and money, and like to tinker with things, then by all means my opionon would be to try it. And give the rest of the world the REAL answer if it works or not. Obvioulsy the majority are stating it will not work based off of theory meaning they have never put a rb innovations unit on a boat. SO DO IT, document and let us know if it works. I would try it but I dont have the time. Good luck!
If you have the time and money, and like to tinker with things, then by all means my opionon would be to try it. And give the rest of the world the REAL answer if it works or not. Obvioulsy the majority are stating it will not work based off of theory meaning they have never put a rb innovations unit on a boat. SO DO IT, document and let us know if it works. I would try it but I dont have the time. Good luck!
thanks for the input ,all of the views have valid points. i have the time ,but i am not loaded with money so,i will watch ebay for a good deal on a supercharger to play around with,but don't look for any results to be posted for sometime, if at all.
If you have the time and money, and like to tinker with things, then by all means my opionon would be to try it. And give the rest of the world the REAL answer if it works or not. Obvioulsy the majority are stating it will not work based off of theory meaning they have never put a rb innovations unit on a boat. SO DO IT, document and let us know if it works. I would try it but I dont have the time. Good luck!
thanks for the input ,all of the views have valid points. i have the time ,but i am not loaded with money so,i will watch ebay for a good deal on a supercharger to play around with,but don't look for any results to be posted for sometime, if at all.
on one boat a friend told me one blew up like a hand gernade...not good in my book..
my lhs played with these on nitro cars & buggies. saw no real increase in performance, in some cases, less power. ok for the bling factor, not much else.........i agree that they work against a tuned pipe. pressure waves from the pipe fighting positive pressure from the supercharger, & vice versa.