2008 K-Zoo FunRun?


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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2002
I haven't been here in a bit due to obligations keeping my time locked up. I was wondering if there has been any thoughts about having another Kalamazoo Fun Run this year?
Hi Wade,

I'm sure we'll have another Fun Run this year. Ron's been talking about it and I'll help where ever I can.

The one thing that's up in the air is where it will be. We're working on getting a pond in Grand Rapids that will be an IMPBA approved pond to run all the time.Timing will be an issue though. The site needs a big cleanup, but will be awesome when it's done. There are pics here:


We might have it in GR, but if not, K-Zoo is a great option once again.

And no dates yet that I've heard.

I'm sure Ron will chime in here too.
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Mark and I haven't talked about it much yet. It looks like he won't be up here until early June. The site is up in the air also. We can use Spring Valley Park again or I thought that it might be nice to use Sanford Lake in Grand Rapids as a lot of you live up there anyway. That's the palce that we went to a few years back if you remember Wade but the building is now in new hands but with the same ideas.

Take a look at the thread that I brought up from the past.

I don't know how bad the site is, any better or worse since we both were there with Scot VanSlooten and the others.

Seeing how it's supposed to be a private lake I don't know if we're going to need a DNR Regatta permit or not plus see if the Plainwell office covers Kent County.
Is the lake still owned by GR Gravel? If it is, then there still will be the same issue. if not, is the RC club still there? Again if they are, there might be conflicts with signals. It would be cool to have a place to run GR
The guy running Battlefront has already been in contact with the gravel company. We can run there but there can be no permanent structures built on the property, i.e., drivers stand.

I've already told him that they won't be able to use the tracks while we're running so there shouldn't be any frequency conflicts. This I feel is an absolute must.

We might have to get one of those frequency checker boxes to make sure somebody isn't running up on the tracks or make sure that there is a sign posted up there. Anybody coming up to Battlefront should be able to see that we'd be running on the lake.

In the summer they run gas buggies outside and they also have a dirt track inside. We'll have to work out some way of possably registering the frequency we're running against what they're running. I'm sure I'll be there often and would never expect them to stop running while I or we are there. We'd be unwanted real quick. I know, I don't want my twin or scale in the wall either or a run away SAW boat. But we will have to share somehow.

I'd like to know more about the frequency checker Ron mentioned.Ron?

As far as structures, they already set up pallet racking out doors for the buggy drivers stand. It's not permenent.You can see it in pic#6 in my gallery link above.

Jason told me they were thinking of floating docks to run off of. They also wouldn't be considered permanent structures.

That could work too. But with a good cleanup, the beach might be fine. And one less thing for people to hit.

I'd like to go there Saturday afternoon if the weather is nice. If anyone wants to meet there,LMK.
I could make it up there Saturday if the weather cooperates. Just give me a reasonable time as I'm a little slow-going early in the day.

I've seen frequency scanners sold by someone (maybe Hobbico) but don't know if they cover ours for sure without looking. They aren't very big so it's not like something that wouldn't fit on most toolboxes.

Just got off the phone a little while ago with Kevin Sheren, he wants to be counted in since they lost their pond up by Lansing. He's got a LOT of equipment.
sorry, haven't been watching too closely on threads.. To my disbelief, the X moved back to Ky late last year.. Now my reason for traveling north is close to home :) Some weekends to pick for the Fun run would be (for me anyway!) May 17, 18, 30, 31 or Jun 14, 15.. Since the kids b-day is Jun 12th, the 14th might be best choice for me.. I can kill two birds with one trip...

As for frequency problems, a 4PK is on order with Tower to finish once and for all my channel issues!

Saturdays weather looks decent. 38* and mostly sunny.

How does 2:00 in the afternoon sound? I can also make it what ever time works best for you too.

My boating friend Randy works in the AM and he wants to come too, so afternoon works best for us also.

LMK and we'll see ya Saturday! :)

And it will be great to have Kevin involved. Things are lookin up. :)
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That time will work for me. At least I have to go west on 28th instead of having to deal with the insanity of east of 131. We'll have to get hold of Tom Borisch also as he seemed very interested. It wouldn't hurt either to get John on this site so that we don't do anything behind his back.

I just sent John an e-mail.
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I wonder if John is Jason's dad.

I think they open at 6:00pm and I was also going to call Jason and let him know we were coming also. Jason does run the show up there most of the time and was when we were there last. I know he and his dad are the ones renting the building. I'm curious who John is.

I'll let Tom know we're on for 2:00.

Ron,I just posted @ Jim's for Kevin and Tom to come too.
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I would like to meet you guys there, but I don't think I will be able to make it. If I can, then I guess I'll surprise you
As far as having the Fun Run there, if we do it on June 14th, Sanford Lake would be a better spot as Spring Valley Lake starts choking up with weeds about that time. Even at the Fun Run in May I have to set up the buoys around the weed bed.

Hopefully we'll have a lot of answers after meeting on Saturday.
Ron & gang,

I spoke with Jason this eve, from the Battle front and told him that we'll be up there Saturday @ 2:00 and he told me that would be perfect.It would also be in between races when they have a break so time will be a bit tight. He also told me his dad would be there too. And can you guess who his dad is? Yup, it's John. PERFECT! It'll be great to meet him and see what he has in mind too.

We should hopefully get a good start on this project when we're there. :)

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It'll be good to see you guys again, this winter has gone on about long enough!

John, are you bringing CJ along? That kid has to be getting big by now.

Speaking of kids, I've got a couple of others around 16 or so that are interested in joining up with us. They asked about a minmum age for joining and I told them that I didn't think that there really was one but they'd be welcome. We could use a few young, energetic bodies especially when it comes to site clean-up time!
If it in june we'll be there Ron!! Hoping to get tips on my boats?? like setups and other things!! :)
Would love to make it but don't think i will have time. As far as the fun run goes I really want to make it but if it is the 14th odds are I wouldn't make it. My wife's b-day is the 13th. Once the date is set then i will know for sure. I would really like to see everyone again. Keep us all informed.