2007 Northwest Scale Hydroplane Championship


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Marty Shallenberger

Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2006
Just a reminder that the 2007 Northwest Scale Hydroplane Championship is on October 13th and 14th at Twin Lakes park in Seattle WA.

As we have done in the past if you do not have NAMBA insurance we will cover the first $10.00 of insurance cost. If you have already used your one time single event coverage this year we will pay $10.00 towards the balance of a full NAMBA membership as single event insurance can be used only one time per year.

This year we have expanded the program to include a "Mini Thunder" race on Sunday. This class is comprised of "almost ready to run Miss Vegas boats" that can be purchased at your local hobby shop; all you have to do is add fuel and run. This class is being run by Jerry Dunlap and has limited openings.

Remember that we are racing for "All the Marbles" and this year we have some of the top 1/8 Scale Hydro racers from APBA, NAMBA and IMPBA coming to participate in this race.

For complete information visit the race web site at http://stubbersmedia.com/nwshc/
Here's a photo of Marty's new Miss Vegas/O'Boy Oberto done for him by Jeff Snell. Boat ran for the first time today and Marty finished every heat.

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Here's a photo of Marty's new Miss Vegas/O'Boy Oberto done for him by Jeff Snell. Boat ran for the first time today and Marty finished every heat.
Cant wait guys packed my boat tonite its coming your way tomorrow, someone tell me how the weather will be temp wise? I will be there a week from Wed to see the sights and get my game face on. Dont worry I plan to learn a lot and take plenty of pics for the guys back at home... Mike Schindler 73 RedMan
Here's a photo of Marty's new Miss Vegas/O'Boy Oberto done for him by Jeff Snell. Boat ran for the first time today and Marty finished every heat.
Hey, those running surfaces sure look different. Looks like the Mini-Thunder class is getting serious :)
Hey Glenn,


That Mini-Thunder class is a blast. Of course I had to add a few touches here and there.

You know racing is racing and size and speed don't really matter. At the end of the day what counts is having fun with friends and doing it with style.


Any one who has not contacted Jerry Dunlap to enter the Mini-Thunder competition should do so quickly before the slots are all filled. The 1/8 scale class doesn't have a limit so please don't think it's to late to enter as we will register boats the morning of the race.



Here's a photo of Marty's new Miss Vegas/O'Boy Oberto done for him by Jeff Snell. Boat ran for the first time today and Marty finished every heat.
Hey, those running surfaces sure look different. Looks like the Mini-Thunder class is getting serious :)

Your original flyer says that if you show your APBA card you are good for the insurance. Is that not the case now? How much would race fees and insurance run for Dave and I then?


Bill Brandt
Your original flyer says that if you show your APBA card you are good for the insurance. Is that not the case now? How much would race fees and insurance run for Dave and I then?


Bill Brandt


Just bring your Check Book, you know, the Big One!

Congrats on your Gold Cup win and High Point Championship in RCU!!!!


Thanks alot. You built me one helluva boat and on that weekend it really showed its capabilities. I'd sure still like to get the as builts though, just in case I have a misfortune sometime.

Thanks Again,

Bill Brandt
Your original flier says that if you show your APBA card you are good for the insurance. Is that not the case now? How much would race fees and insurance run for Dave and I then?


Bill Brandt

Hi Bill,

Congrats on your year with RCU :rolleyes:

It has never been my intent to make the NWSHC race a NAMBA or APBA event although I do use NAMBA insurance for many reasons. What has changed this year is that some of the RCU racers came to a UNW event and used there NAMBA single event insurance, NAMBA only lets you use this once per year. I'm not complaining because that is precisely why I started the NWSHC race to begin with. It's has also always been my intent to make this fair and equitable for everyone so I have decided to pay the remainder of the NAMBA charges to bring you and Dave to full NAMBA insurance for the remainder of 2007. Just bring your APBA card and you will be good to go!!!! I hope this means you and Dave are coming..

Here's a photo of Marty's new Miss Vegas/O'Boy Oberto done for him by Jeff Snell. Boat ran for the first time today and Marty finished every heat.
Cant wait guys packed my boat tonite its coming your way tomorrow, someone tell me how the weather will be temp wise? I will be there a week from Wed to see the sights and get my game face on. Dont worry I plan to learn a lot and take plenty of pics for the guys back at home... Mike Schindler 73 RedMan


If I can help you out in any way let me know... Pack for 45-60 degrees and rain gear.. After all it is Seattle in the fall.



So far David only has Sunday off, so we don't know. We do hope to make it.

Thanks so much for your congrats. That means alot to me.

So far David only has Sunday off, so we don't know. We do hope to make it.

Thanks so much for your congrats. That means alot to me.

Yo Bill, You need to make it. The best boat in RCU should be there. If it is help you need we can all pitch in and help. David can catch up on Sunday. Maybe you could drive his boat on Sat.

So far David only has Sunday off, so we don't know. We do hope to make it.

Thanks so much for your congrats. That means alot to me.

Yo Bill, You need to make it. The best boat in RCU should be there. If it is help you need we can all pitch in and help. David can catch up on Sunday. Maybe you could drive his boat on Sat.

I know Dave's boat needs work. If you and Dave need help, count me in Bill. Call Me. Anytime!

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It's very nice of you Roger and you too David.

I'm tryin and hopin we can make it.

BUT, I don't know about having the best RCU boat. I would say that's a toss up between DJ's Pak, My Dave's Pico and Don's Atlas. I just enjoy being competitive enough to be in the same league.

It's very nice of you Roger and you too David.
I'm tryin and hopin we can make it.

BUT, I don't know about having the best RCU boat. I would say that's a toss up between DJ's Pak, My Dave's Pico and Don's Atlas. I just enjoy being competitive enough to be in the same league.


Don't sell yourself short. I know that you are being humble. I have raced many times with you guys. Oh yes, it helps to have a very good boat but you still have to drive it. Part of the setup along with matching the pipe, prop, motor, and skid fin is the driver also. It takes a complete package and you pulled it off. Nice job in 2007. Congratulations on your RCU Championship. I hope that I get to see you next week.


Al Waters
Here's a photo of Marty's new Miss Vegas/O'Boy Oberto done for him by Jeff Snell. Boat ran for the first time today and Marty finished every heat.
Cant wait guys packed my boat tonite its coming your way tomorrow, someone tell me how the weather will be temp wise? I will be there a week from Wed to see the sights and get my game face on. Dont worry I plan to learn a lot and take plenty of pics for the guys back at home... Mike Schindler 73 RedMan


If I can help you out in any way let me know... Pack for 45-60 degrees and rain gear.. After all it is Seattle in the fall.



Hey Marty/Al,

Just checked the 10-Day forecast on MSN. 61/62 degrees. That would be nice (for us, Mid-October in Marysville). Light drizzle though. Oh well. See you soon!

David Jensen
Here's a photo of Marty's new Miss Vegas/O'Boy Oberto done for him by Jeff Snell. Boat ran for the first time today and Marty finished every heat.
Cant wait guys packed my boat tonite its coming your way tomorrow, someone tell me how the weather will be temp wise? I will be there a week from Wed to see the sights and get my game face on. Dont worry I plan to learn a lot and take plenty of pics for the guys back at home... Mike Schindler 73 RedMan


If I can help you out in any way let me know... Pack for 45-60 degrees and rain gear.. After all it is Seattle in the fall.



Hey Marty/Al,

Just checked the 10-Day forecast on MSN. 61/62 degrees. That would be nice (for us, Mid-October in Marysville). Light drizzle though. Oh well. See you soon!

David Jensen
Light drizzle would beat the heck out of what's happening right now outside my shop window. :rolleyes: Some guy named Noah dropped by to ask what I knew about building arks.

So Dunny what did you tell him :lol: :lol: start with a huge block of foam ;)

you opened it

Well, first I told him to get all those dang animals off my lawn. :lol: Hmm, a WOF ark, wonder if my local Lowe's has enough foam?

Flying outa St Louis in the am,going to see the sights a few days before the race. I look forward to meeting the West Coast guys for a great weekend. My Injun wont be doing a rain dance just a few laps.