2007 NAMBA Nationals


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:ph34r: :huh: Mike or Roger JR Will make in CAP limit entry for classes boats each??? :eek:
Yes Allan. You are correct. We will be accepting all entries up to the number specified in each class. This is due to the fact that we anticipate that this will be one of the largest NAMBA nationals in the past 10 years. To accomodate all of us, The Raging Waters staff is allowing us to access the pits (picnic area within the Raging Waters Park) between the hours of 6am and 7pm. Our committee conferred with several NAMBA members within District 9 and throughout the organization and this is the program we felt would serve you and our other guest best. Our goal is to provide the best racing experience possible. To do so we calculated the maximum amount entries that can be accomodated within the allowable time frame, while still providing you a comfortable and enjoyable racing experience.

Entries have already started coming in.
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Trust me there was CONSIDERABLE calculation done. If you add the total number of the cap of each class you will see it comes to well over 700 boats. I'm pretty sure we will be able to handle just about everyone provided you entry arrives with a postmark no later then 5/31/07.

If you have a recent version of Adobe Reader you can fill in the forms electronically then print with your info on the pages and mail.
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:ph34r: :huh: Mike or Roger JR Will make in CAP limit entry for classes boats each??? :eek:
Yes Allan. You are correct. We will be accepting all entries up to the number specified in each class. This is due to the fact that we anticipate that this will be the largest NAMBA nationals in the past 10 years. To accomodate all of us, The Raging Waters staff is allowing us to access the pits (picnic area within the Raging Waters Park) between the hours of 6am and 7pm. Our committee conferred with several NAMBA members within District 9 and throughout the organization and this is the program we felt would serve you and our other guest best. Our goal is to provide the best racing experience possible. To do so we calculated the maximum amount entries that can be accomodated within the allowable time frame, while still providing you a comfortable and enjoyable racing experience.

Entries have already started coming in.
Great Thank Info: I will do Cheers Allan ;)
Ok the rooms booked, The entry form has been mailed off and my check book is over $1,400 lighter. Now I read that I will have to pay a daily parking fee? Just for sh##s and giggles How much is that going to cost for 8 days? Greg
We don't have control over the charges for the parking lot since that is controlled by the city. We are trying to work with them to get a grant or some type of subsidy to get rid of it or reduce it. We have a number of city officials on our side that can help us. it's a long slow process but it is in process.

For those of you that have not filled out you entry forms yet...I just did it....and it is very easy with Adobe Reader to type in you entry and tab through the form to enter you info in each space and then print the entire document with all of your info intact. Then all you have to do is mail it. Man I was just gonna print it and write everything in! Ok I'm easily impressed thsi is not an area where I'm very techno-savvy.
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I guess we will all car pool to the site. Picture it. One car with 12 people for 5 bucks a day. That works out to 3.33 not to bad.

.41666 x 8 = 3.33 I think I can afford this.

Hey, maybe I'll rent a room for the Nats.

Room for rent....approx. 30 - 40 min from lake depending on traffic. (I could drive in the carpool lane!) Includes daily transportation. :lol:
PARKING FEE!!! you have to be kidding? $1100.00 for a room over $200.00 in entry and event tickets...OK try this on for size. Give away a little less expensive trophy's, and cover the parking. The last time I was in District 9 for a nationals I won 3 of those large crystal chess pieces that while I am sure were expensive were rather useless ,ugly, had no reference to R/C boat racing, or the area of the country it was from, and didn't even have any information on the event on them. I sure don't go to a Nationals to win some useless trophy it's about the competition. Sorry if this comes off a bit strong but how about some creative thinking guys. Give us a break I know you were blind sided with the park raising fees on you but this is the latest entry or schedules have ever been posted for a Nationals which has made planning harder for us that are attending, you are going to limit some of the classes to one heat instead of setting on over all boat count limit and now parking fees. Can you give us an idea of whats next or are you going to spring that on us when we show up towing our trailers from around the county. Maybe a trailer tax...? Keep in mid guys I have been selling this event all over the country telling everybody if Roger and Al are involved it will be a first class event come on guys don't make me wrong.

Eric Bourlet

Your comments are noted but let me tell you this. Even if we had held it at our second option site, which is 20 miles from the nearest hotel, they would still be charging you a Day Use fee to get in which I believe is the same or even more than the $6 a day that the City is charging for parking. Raging Waters and District 9 do not have any control over this. As I stated earlier we are trying to find a way around this. At this point I am dealing with the City of San Jose and Raging Waters and a number of other things while Roger is concentrating on sponsors and promotion so in the future I would appreciate it if you would direct your concerns to me. I've got thick skin and will listen to whatever valid concerns you have.

I have already apologized for the lateness of the schedule and entry fom being posted. If I could have gotten it posted any sooner I would have but I was not about to start taking entries without the site agreement set in stone. Trust me when I say this.....I have never in my experience in event promotion had to put up with the reversals and problems like I have with this event. I've dealt with major 18,000 seat arenas that have given me less grief than this. If you want to know the details I'll gladly share them with you in private on the phone or via email. I appreciate your efforts in helping promote this event and I can assure you that you will not be made the fool for doing so.
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OK So now that all the Dist 8 guys have mailed there entries in, I can mention that if you plan on going, you should mail yours today. Some of the class sizes are quite small. If you want to run all your classes, I would get it in quick. I know that the C mod tunnel class is half full before the entry was even on the website. The guys coming from Dist 8 could fill the A OB Hyd class and possibly have. I believe all lot will fill up quick and some people are only going to be able to run half their boats.

and some people are only going to be able to run half their boats.Mike
Actually Mike, that is not entirely true. This schedule is based on having over a 700 boat regatta. That is around the same size as the last LA nats. We have just kind of funneled more opening towards the most popular classes. Believe me... it was based on more stats and trend analysis than you thought was possible for a little R/C boat race.

But it would be smart to enter early just to be sure you can race what you want, especially if you race one of those smaller classes.

Maybe I was over stating it a bit. I know the smaller classes will fill up. The A OB hyd class in 02 had 20 boats. 8 from our dist and the rest from 9 & 19. If they are willing to come to WA, I am sure they will go to San Jose. A lot of somebody's is going to get left out. I believe some of the classes like B hyd and kids r boaters will fill up. I have to disagree with limiting the kids class. They should all be able to race. They are the future of the sport and I would not like to disappoint them or their parents. Early is better, no doubt.

Mike we will probably be flexible with the Kids' class we'll just have to wait and see how the entries come in. The one nice thing about the Kids' class sponsor is that rather than paying what would have been just a $175 sponsorship he gave us $1000 with instructions to spoil them as best we can with that money for trophies jackets or whatever.

That reminds me, we will be posting an updated list of class sponsors as soon as we confirm everyone that has paid so far, but the opportunity to sponsor a class is dwindling quiclky. Some of the Gas Classes are still available. Contact me or Roger and we will get you the sponsor committee. Thanks
Not to be a thorn in everybody's ass. But I was planning on having my wife drop me off with the trailer in the morning, So she could have the car during the day to sight see ( and spend money) then pick me up in the evening. Does this mean I have to pay to get in twice a day? Greg
Nope Greg your tag will be good all day. In fact I am working on having windshield laminates or stickers so that you can pay for the week and not have to shell out to the booth every morning. I need the city to give me an official approval on that. Still waiting.
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Can we leave our trailers overnight our duration of our stay at the lake our do we have to move them nightly??????
The entry form states that they have approval to leave boat trailers overnight, although it does not state anything about security..........
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