19T 05's


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Just getting some chuckles in.

I love these "my voodoo doctor has better Mojo than your voodoo doctor" threads! :D

drobie said:
If these pros can (as Andy K. is fond of saying) get 19T performance out of a tweaked 27T, then what can they get out of a tweaked 19T?

They're getting full blown mod motor performance.....The 19T asphalt oval car racers are running within a lap or two of the open mod cars. On a short (220 ft) track, thats about 50 laps in 4 minutes with the 27T cars trailing by 6-7 laps.
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I run the Reedy quad mag 19T in my OM 21 with an x435. Did so at the Trent Hare Classic last year and will again this year.

I didn't get a chance to test my N-1 setup at MC-5 too much, but it also ran an X435 with a 27T in the same boat. 1:41 was my best time with the 27T, and I'll get my best time at the upcoming THC with the 19T motor, just to see how the 2 motors stack up on the water.

Not sure if anybody cares, including me.
David Newland said:
I run the Reedy quad mag 19T in my OM 21 with an x435.  Did so at the Trent Hare Classic last year and will again this year.
I didn't get a chance to test my N-1 setup at MC-5 too much, but it also ran an X435 with a 27T in the same boat.  1:41 was my best time with the 27T, and I'll get my best time at the upcoming THC with the 19T motor, just to see how the 2 motors stack up on the water.

Not sure if anybody cares, including me.


Gosh Dave I sure as heck do.

I'll prob buy sumthin 19 t ish and let u know.

Geeze you and your quad machismo. Can't run a dbl like us Sallys. :)
I'm personally waiting for the Octo-mag herpisimplex 10's to come out. My NAMBA proposal is already in the works.
David Newland said:
I'm personally waiting for the Octo-mag herpisimplex 10's to come out.  My NAMBA proposal is already in the works.

Can we please submit that with my "6 pack" proposal???

You know all speed controllers sold should come in 6 packs so when one goes..... B)
Shoot Dave et al the hobby store didn't have what I wanted for this weekend so I am not going to try the 19T yet. I really don't care for that lhs anyway. I love it (sarchasm) when some hot shot behind the counter looks befuddled when I tell him what I want. Gee yet another major chain without a clue.
David Newland said:
I'm personally waiting for the Octo-mag herpisimplex 10's to come out.  My NAMBA proposal is already in the works.

Did you order one o' them new 5.8 gig bluetooth palm-pilot radios to go with the new motor? It's the only way you'll be able to utilize all of its available power..... :rolleyes:
You guys are absolutely missing the point of N1 if you think it needs to be any faster than it is...

My son (almost 6 years-old) is absolutely HOOKED on racing RC boats now because of this class JUST the way it is... He can react to the speeds, can concentrate on what's going on, and has the time to correct himself when he makes a mistake... ALL while competing head to head with everyone else...

If you think N1 is too slow the way it is, then one of two things is happening... Either you don't have the right guys prepping your motors, or you're in the wrong class...

Just my opinion, of course... but N2 exists for a reason... namely, so those of you who think N1 is too slow have a place to move on to...
darin you are missing the point..

You pay the extra money to have a super motor which makes the class faster then it would be if everyone ran unmodded stock motors like most of the ones I see around here.. Pull it from the box and throw it in the boat. so a 19t to them would be about as fast as your going with your super motor

why not just make it a silver can 540 class.. they are cheaper too. around 7 bucks no mods just driver
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brooks93 said:
darin you are missing the point..
You pay the extra money to have  a super motor which makes the class faster then it would be if everyone ran unmodded stock motors like most of the ones I see around here.. Pull it from the box and throw it in the boat. so a 19t to them would be about as fast as your going with your super motor...

That's a great theory, IF you could get people to run stock 19-turn motors... However, if you allow 19T motors, then we'll tweak with those as well, and then you'll have the same situation, only with faster boats, which again supports my believe that if we retain the 27T motor rule, the class will stay attractively slower for those who need it to be...

Also, you mention cost... the 27T motors I use cost the same as the 19T motors everyone else uses, so price really isn't part of my point...

It's only my opinion, but if you want to go faster than N1 goes today, N2 is a nice option...
it doesn't matter to me I don't run N1 because it should be a beginner class only not a racing vets class
brooks93 said:
... because it should be a beginner class only not a racing vets class

I agree... Since this is my first year doing this, it was a perfect place to start, and it's a perfect place to get the munchkins going as well...

first off your comments had little or nothing to do with my original post.

second I have ran n-1 for yrs and have ran it very successfully. It is a more of a drivers race than setup but you still have to be pretty close in setup...ask Steve Reesor.

third I was against using 19t in n1 until i saw them run...you might change your mind if you did. The speed increase is not much just enough to make it a little more exciting.

fourth if you really want a even field have everyone buy the same stock motor less mods.
I will chime in on this topic as we began running a 19t SPEC class (name evolved to LS Mono) some years ago at EMYC.

The reason, at the time ROAR stock motors did not like decent props (untouched) for too long without burning up or chewing up brushes at alarming rates (high 36 degree timing). ROAR was non-rebuildable and had bushings! Ok fine, so run a smaller prop at a noticeable loss in speed or reduce your run time.

On a roll of the dice, another option out there in "car land" for locked can motors that may offer the ability to spin a smaller wheel and gain some of the speed back? The 19t Spec motor (we began with Chameleons for LHS availability) was there, locked 24 degree timing, rebuildable, easy inspection with tagged arm, and bearings. We stuck with this motor through various updates to the ROAR classification in cars and didn't look back.

Yeah, a highly tuned 05 motor can beat an out of the box 05 motor. But the novice shopper can bolt in a non-pro version of a Chameleon and put a beating on the experienced racer with com lathe who will turn it down to that last bit of material enough to run 3 heats.

I will trying a Quad Mag next week, we'll see how she fairs against Chameleons. A lot of flavors are out there, who knows what else will show up.

A jump of 10mph from N1 to N2 is huge when your talking 25 to 35mph. Locally, we aren't running the LS Mono class with 19t because of the "great" increase in speed because it is nearly unoticeable. And for the years we've been running if one or two of us is doing an tweaking it sure isn't noticeable. The fast boat almost always comes down to weight and trim. The preference to me has been durability, for the 05 mechanic but mostly the out of the box into the boat racer.
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