Take a ride in a U2 spy plane


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that was fantastic.the way that gentalman was lost for words is one of the reasons i always wanted to be a astronaut.mike.
What a ride, worth the watch :)

70,000 feet WOW

The wing deflection on touch down is almost scary......... :eek:


Andy, If you watch the beginning and end carefully you will see the red landing gear out on the wings-and notice the pickup truck very close on touch down. The crew chases the plane and keeps the wingtips from hitting the runway when it lands. Landing gear is very narrow and wings are very long-Great glider- Heard if it stalls over the Rocky Mts.- It can glide to CA.
Was with that plane while in Turkey in the later 50's. Some kind of airplane. It has so much lift that it can almost go straight up with out raising the nose with just a little head wind.

At RAF Alconbury England we used Ford Mustangs as chase vehicles for the

TR1's (u2).

We worked on the fords to make sure they were up to par to chase them down

during landing.

Testing was done on the active runway when we were finished with them in

vehicle maintenance. I got to drive a couple for testing. 145 feels great :D :D

In late 93 the TR1's moved out and were stationed down on France in of all places

the French Riviera. Those guys had it Di--ed there for sure.

that was fantastic.the way that gentalman was lost for words is one of the reasons i always wanted to be a astronaut.mike.
Mike, you been in outerspace ever since I've known you. :D .
I'm not gonna touch that one, Ray!

When I was flying model airplanes in the 80's I had a friend in the Army that flew U2's ( TR-1's )and he would go on assignments for 6 to 8 months at a time. We would tease him and ask him where he was going............he never could tell us. I'm sure he would have some interesting stories to tell!

Dick Tyndall
My highest was 60.000ft and max speed just over M 2.0

And yes the sky is black up there.

Landing with 76 kts...no that was not possible in the 16.

Great video.

I think I got most of you beat as far as altitude is concerned,,,,,,,,,,,

I got my certificate somewhere in storage for flying BELOW Sea Level. :p :p :p

I was stationed at George AFB in Victorville, CA and was on flying status

and one of the tasks was riding back seat in F-4's and F-105's down thru

death valley for for bomb system testing.

And yes, the pilots did try to make you up-chuck. LOL

Try?? I had an empty stomach and still was throwing up... I think it was bile...my liver was trying to surrender... :)
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I think I got most of you beat as far as altitude is concerned,,,,,,,,,,,

I got my certificate somewhere in storage for flying BELOW Sea Level. :p :p :p

I was stationed at George AFB in Victorville, CA and was on flying status

and one of the tasks was riding back seat in F-4's and F-105's down thru

death valley for for bomb system testing.

And yes, the pilots did try to make you up-chuck. LOL

A great part of the Netherlands is below sealevel, so almost everyday I t/o and land below sealevel.
