Vegas Deuce 2.4 tactic radio?


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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2005
What kind of feedback can I get about the new 2.4 radio that comes in the new vegas deuce?

Has anyone run with it? No antenna at all on the receiver is a little scary in a boat.

Has anyone raced with this radio?

Any feedback would be appreciated


What kind of feedback can I get about the new 2.4 radio that comes in the new vegas deuce?Has anyone run with it? No antenna at all on the receiver is a little scary in a boat.

Has anyone raced with this radio?

Any feedback would be appreciated


I ran the Deuce with the Tatic 2.4 last weekend in Eugene, OR. It works fine. Mike Z. won the P Spec Tunnel Class at the Outboard Championships with the Tatic 2.4 w/o any problems. I've had the Deuce out a total of four different days and not one issue with the radio.

What kind of feedback can I get about the new 2.4 radio that comes in the new vegas deuce?Has anyone run with it? No antenna at all on the receiver is a little scary in a boat.

Has anyone raced with this radio?

Any feedback would be appreciated


I ran the Deuce with the Tatic 2.4 last weekend in Eugene, OR. It works fine. Mike Z. won the P Spec Tunnel Class at the Outboard Championships with the Tatic 2.4 w/o any problems. I've had the Deuce out a total of four different days and not one issue with the radio.

Thanks Jerry, I appreciate the feedback.

I'm about to break in a new deuce tomorrow, glad to hear it's been working good.

Ran my deuce yesterday with the 2.4 radio, it worked great for me and man that boat is fast.
Well I ran my new Vegas Deuce through about 8 tanks of fuel yeaterday. The boat runs great!

I did have a bit of a range issue. I was testing on a fairly large pond and took the boat out just a little bit too far(I'm guessing). I was turning the boat to bring it back in closer when it just slowed down and started going toward the shoreline. Luckily it died and just floated to the bank. I checked everything and found nothing wrong. Ran the boat a few more times after that with no problems at all. Let's hope it does not happen again!

I don't think I'll be entering it in any offshore race courses! Keep em close and it should not be a problem. I wasn't really trying to test the range of the new radio, but I did, and in my case it has limited range....

How far was a little bit too far?

Hard to be sure...I mean, I could still see it and knew which way it was running! If I had to guess, I'd say around 400 ft? I didn't think it would be an issue, but, I was turning to bring it back. I know I've ran my other boats on f.m. out farther than this was.
Range info..

ALL testing REGARDLESS of what boat we ran it in gave us 800' of range.

So then.. what’s enough range?

I did a bunch of testing regarding "just how far is far enough with an RC boat"

What I found was that a 30" boat at about 600' (about twice the length of a IMPBA course.. not width) things start to get hard to see.. it starts to get hard to tell if the boat is indeed coming or going... At 800' a gas boat (Apro 50 boat") same thing. Hard to see and you have to look hard as to what is going on..

More testing..

I have a BUNCH of ponds to test on around here.. A bunch to race on not all that far too.. I have raced the Tactic radio at a few different race sights and have yet to come close to the 600" distance. (the point where its hard to see the boat)

Also.. just so you know.. I have 20/20 vision BUT.. have macular degeneration as well.. The degeneration does not affect the full function of my eye sight. I do however have to keep a patch on my left eye when I race but that’s just to cut down on the double vision..

Strange.. but.. true..

You can for the most part take full comfort in your tactic radio in any race situation as well as most (unless you feel you need to really run it out) play time too.

Hey Jerry what club is in eugene I live just noth of there in sweet home Or.I would like to see some of the races down there .If you could give me info i would apreciate it.Thanx Robert.
Robert: the club is Emerald RC Boats, they run on a gravel pit pond in the Springfield area, you can contact one of the IW members Lohring Miller, send him a pm and he can give you directions to the pond and a race schedule.
Robert, go to the top of this page, where it has the tabs for members, calender, portal,blogs, ect. click on the member tab and go to the letter "L" then go to page 5 of the members in that catagory, he is on the top of page 5, use the first one with just his first name, click on that name to pull up his profile page and then send an email to him, I think I have the directions to the pond at home and can check for you this evening, I am at work right now. let me know if that works for you.
Has anyone ran one in a gas boat yet? or not adviseable to run one in a gas boat??
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The antenna is inside the case.. no wires sticking out...

Well.. not sure about everybody.. but.. I have had GREAT operation with mine..

My 3PM was my main grunt radio here at work but the Tactic has taken over..
