engine help please


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John Capps

Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2005
I am currently at my lake house and finally got an opportunity to run my rigger for the second time. I am hoping the engine experts can give me some insight. I am currently running the GO 7port in my jae21. The first time I ran it I was actually missing the barrel stop and spring. I actually got it running very well but I'm sure it was not at its full potential. I put in the barrel stop and spring and then had problems. The motor became difficult to start and when it would start it was screaming. I could not control the rpms. Also many times it would shut down right after I took the ignitor off. After much frustration I took the barrel stop back out and it ran as well as last time. Its still not exactly right because it does shut down at times and im sure the barrel movement is an issue. Now im at a loss. Any suggestions or ideas from anyone??
I am currently at my lake house and finally got an opportunity to run my rigger for the second time. I am hoping the engine experts can give me some insight. I am currently running the GO 7port in my jae21. The first time I ran it I was actually missing the barrel stop and spring. I actually got it running very well but I'm sure it was not at its full potential. I put in the barrel stop and spring and then had problems. The motor became difficult to start and when it would start it was screaming. I could not control the rpms. Also many times it would shut down right after I took the ignitor off. After much frustration I took the barrel stop back out and it ran as well as last time. Its still not exactly right because it does shut down at times and im sure the barrel movement is an issue. Now im at a loss. Any suggestions or ideas from anyone??
Sounds like to me you may have two problems 1 bad glow plug, 2, to lean when starting, enging should almost 4 stroke when 1st starting, get rid of low speed needle and turn the main needle out about a 1/2 turn, if engine still screams when starting open the main needle about 1/2 turn again,and keep trying.

Walt Barney
I thought the glow plug could be bad so I replaced it with a new one and had the same problem. The main needle is 4 1/2 turns out while the low speed is flush. Doesn't make sense to me why it runs so different without the barrel stop and spring.
With the barrel stop out you remove the low needle input,back it out a turn and try again
Mike, good call brother. I was stumped. I didnt think about that small fact.

John, just back the low speed needle all the way out to see if thats the issue. I dont run LSN's myself.
Unfortunately i was unable to run the boat again today. Weather issues with wind and rain from the tropical storm in the area. Before the weather turned I screwed the LSN all the way in and then out a turn and tried that adjusting to 3 turns out and it never fired. Just as I started to run the boat the weather took a turn for the worse. I would prefer to run the boat with the barrel stop in place because the barrel moves in and out too much without it and I am afraid that is causing tuning issues. As far as the LSN, do you think I should just remove it and adjust the main out more? I'm so confused.... :blink: ..
John, you cant remove it completely or you will have an air leak there. BUT, you can remove the needle, cut off the "needle portion" and screw it back in to flush. This will eliminate the LSN circuit.
How about an explanation as to why the boat fires up and runs pretty good without the barrel stop and spring but won't run the same with it in??? The barrel is in the same position as far as I can tell but it's hard to get started and when it does it flat out screams and at times shuts down as soon as the ignitor is removed. I would think it would run the same since I am not changing any mixture.
The barrel could be moving out far enough without the stop in there, to make the LSN ineffective.
Since I am having this problem, should I put the stop in and back the LSN way out and try that? Also it stalls a little in a tight turn. Could that be the barrel moving as well? If not any thoughts on that?
if its stalling in a tight turn, and you have it in a rigger, thats a fuel tank issue. These boats turn great g's in the corners and pull the fuel away from the pickup.

And yes, I would try putting the stop and spring back in, and just cutting off the "needle" portion of the LSN.
As far as the fuel pickup goes, I have it in the back left corner of the tank. I am assuming that is the proper place. I am currently using the flex tank that came with the accessories. I have been contemplating having one made for the rigger. Do you think that would help resolve this issue?
yes, that will help your dying issue. Contact Walt Barney on here. He builds the tank with a built in hopper and will solve your fuel starving issues. It wont help the starting and running issue, but starving of fuel in the turns it will cure for sure.
Thanks Rodney. I spoke with him during the build process and he was a few weeks behind. He got back with me and I had mine set up at that point. I will get with him. Hope to get back up to the lake within the next couple of weeks to run again. Appreciate all of you input. BTW your rigger seems to be running well. Saw the videos. :D
John, no problem man! Thats what we are here for!

And its running OK. But still need to find a lot of missing RPM. Made a few changes here for this weekend and will see if I can find it. I also plan to modifiy my other new 7 port GO that I have here. So I will have 3 motors to test out.
As far as the fuel pickup goes, I have it in the back left corner of the tank. I am assuming that is the proper place. I am currently using the flex tank that came with the accessories. I have been contemplating having one made for the rigger. Do you think that would help resolve this issue?

Nope, the proper place is the front left. The fuel flows to the rear of the boat while running and that is where the pickup is needed. The left side for the right hand turns. So the most fuel will be in the left rear corner - or port side rear.
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John, depends on which way he is looking at the boat. If looking at it from the back, he has it in the correct location. Back, left corner. IE, corner furthest towards the back of the the boat, on the left hand side.
That is correct. As I am standing behind the boat, the pickup is in the back left corner of the tank. Left side, closest to the engine.