Windows in Cyberspace


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Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2002
OK here we go..........

I have run Microsoft based systems from the get go, DOS 5.0 included and Win 3.11.

Now my question is how much stuff do ya have to have loaded to be safe online now!!!!! :eek:

Current run list,

Norton AV

Ad Aware 6

Pop Up Filter

Sygate Firewall

IL System Wiper

SpyBot SD (Like this one, just got five things the others missed)

The Win OS and IE must look like swiss cheese with all the back doors and security issues.

Question is why dont they fix the **** thing so we dont have to run secondary support pgm's just to be safe online?

Startin to agree with Tom about Linux , its easy to use once you get acustom to the names and features or Apple, there Laptops have come down too.

My Laptop I have to keep Win based to be cross compatable with pgm's at work, But my home system is Another Story,

Hacked off but feeling much better now :blink:

Gene :D
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Linux is great, it allows you to tinker, loads of help. Still you need to be careful though.

Mike Broad
Look guys here is the deal. Let me get up on my soap box for a minute..... ;)

First, Tom's predictions..... in the year 2009 microsoft will start selling microsoft linux. In the year 2011 linux will surpass windows as the most used operating system (microsofts wont be the #1).

So...... you might as well be one of the first people you know to use linux and start to get to know it.

i recommend that you don't ditch windows at this point ( I still run win2000 for a lot of tasks). But if you have an old pc linux will put a dent you your virus and spybot worries. Or head on over to and got one of there $199 lindows pc's..... yep under two hundred bucks! use the linux pc for web surfing and email and you will significantly reduce your problems. linux can easily run on an old pc and be very happy. While you use the pc for surfing slowly try other tasks that you use windows for currently.... like word processing, graphics, games ( i really like frozen bubble to play with my son, and TUX Paint).

Want a no obligation "test drive"? download a free CD based version! Here is what you do. Download and burn the CD. Turn off your PC. put the cd in the drive, turn your pc back on, and your running linux! it will run 100% off the cd rom drive (it will be pretty slow but heck it's a full operating system with all the frills all on 1 cd). When your done restart your pc (without the disk) and you will be back in windows totally safe to do. The version I like to play with is knoppix.

Like the test drive? want to really run linux? I recommend Lindows for complete newbies that have money to spend..... if your a cheap skate like me try suse or mandrake or fedora (aka redhat).

Can you really get linux for free? Yes you can.... most versions are free for download...... I highly recommend you check out it will be very helpfull in learning about the different distro's (the companies that make linux versions). If you don't have a fast download speed go over to ebay and you can buy them on cd for like $3-$10 and avoid the download.

ok.... im done.... next....

PS last night I installed microsoft longhorn beta :blink: got to keep current on what's going on, on both sides of the fence
When linux becomes #1 it will have the same trouble, right now the jerks that are making stuff to screw with windows because it is the prime target. When the target changes so will the os with the most people trying to screw it up.

If you are really having trouble you could try a different browser and email client that is what most of the attacks come through. If I am not mistaken the most often used browser in linux can be used in windows.
outlook and internet exploder are only 2 of many many programs/services that could be used to exploit a windows computer. Back when I was running the intlwaters server out of my house the only way I could keep secure was to put it behind a linux firewall.

I believe linux will always be more secure than windows.

Mozilla does work great on windows..... and it's free the beta version of mozilla Firebird is faster than internet explorer, has a pop up blocker, and tabed browsing.
Yeah I still have the Knoppix CD that was fun, I'll try that again,

Mozilla sounds cool, I'll check that one too ;)

Gene :D
Holy crap Tom!!!!

I am running Firebird right now, MAN the thing is screamin fast, page load is a wink and BAM!!!!!

WAY KEWL Broweser!!!!

Gene :D

6 Meg zip file download, Quick and easy install ;)
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Mozilla sounds cool, I'll check that one too

I've been running Mozilla for 5 or 6 months and i like it. (I can hide my tracks easier and more completely from my 'bitter half')
I work with embedded print controllers and print servers and we are going away from NT O/S to linux for stability. No comparison whatsoever really. The linux is sooooooo much more stable it makes you wonder why we were not using it years ago. Our new machine that I am training tech. staff on now is linux O/S. Have a look here and look foe the eStudio3511 / 4511. Nice piece of machinery.
Just did a test,

Used IE on a five minute search, three Hot Rodding car sites and got the Alexa Data Miner on scans after exit,

So beware, I am not using IE anymore ;)

Gene :D
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well lets put it this way...

Microsoft - writen (read stolen) by techno geeks

Linux - Writen (read reengineerd) by hackers.

ok since hackers know how they get in they want a system that can keep them out. also because of the way that linux is liscenced more ppl can write patches and code fixes, faster than ppl can for microsoft. and trust me to do anything that might fix windows you gotta ask daddy gates pretty please first. plus that also means that i can fix it myself.

now for the first question.. yes windows does look like swiss chease.. it's too bad the FCC has deemed it illeagle to use hunter killer scripts.. however a properly setup firewall can help close alot of those holes. and on firewalls, the worlds top servers are running apachee. most ISP's run some form of apachee here or there. microsoft even has looked into running apachee (i'm not sure if they do or not) windows firewall is almost as bad as running no firewall at all.. but most linux distros come with apachee... the best firewall is also open source. quincidence? i think not!


the milk crate is now somebody elses