Who's got the best plug prices for '08?


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The old pricing is gone,they are now $3.45 each not $3.25 anymore.

I have a H-32 race ready if you need one?

Thanks For The Business Terry,

Mark Sholund
ok how much for the h-32 and the plugs that you have left , i mean how many cards do you have? let me know and we will take care of it, thanks mark
Got my plugs today (Saturday) Mark, thanks again for all you do. Check your paypal!

Got my plugs today (Saturday) Mark, thanks again for all you do. Check your paypal!Cliff
mine arrived here and thanks also mark for the work and dedication to this hobby and when you read this get back to me so i can clean you out of plugs..lol

Plugs have been sent out to whoever has paid for them.

Marc Ohler 2-cards shipping with Jeff Baham's order.

Don Ferrette 4-cards extra all together 11-cards

Jon Thibodeau 6-cards sent

Bill Zuber 2-cards sent

Tony Kilbarger 4-cards ready to ship

Mike Lee 2-cards ready to ship

Roger Lee Hooks Jr. 6-cards ready to ship

Cliff Nicholson 10-cards ready to ship

And I have aprox. 10 cards extra.

Thanks For The Business,

Mark Sholund

Mark, PM with a total ,so i can paypal you .

Thank's for the extra effort to get these plugs for us.

Marc Ohler
Mark, I'll take the 6 cards. Email me your address and I will send you the money or I can pay you with my PAY PAL account.

Email address: [email protected]

Roger L. Hooks Sr.

It took you over a week to reply, so I sold them all last week.

I am all sold out, and I am not going to buy another $5000.00

worth of plugs this year. Not even sure I covered all my cost.


Mark Sholund
As Mark told me, get ahold of Steve at Phil's Hobby shop.. Steve still gave me a break on the price, even though McCoy raised their prices earlier in the week.
Plugs arrived today.

Thank you Mark for doing this for us , greatly appreciated.

Tim K