what transmitter do you use


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Active Member
Jun 18, 2008
well im looking for a new transmitter .but im still undecided .it http://www.amainhobbies.com/product_info.php/cPath/61_119/products_id/168876/n/Airtronics-MX-3X-24-Ghz-FHSS-3-Competition-Pistol-Grip-Radio-w-92744-Receiver..... or the ....http://www.amainhobbies.com/product_info.php/cPath/61_119/products_id/158961/n/Futaba-3PM-X-3-Channel-24Ghz-FASST-Radio-System-w-R603FF-Receiver has anyone had experience with one or the other .ive seen on other forums people have had problems with spektrum transmitters and recevers on the water ...
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ive read the same.... the 3pm is the way to rock here man...i have the futaba and love it... thats my honest opinion...

well im looking for a new transmitter .but im still undecided .it http://www.amainhobbies.com/product_info.php/cPath/61_119/products_id/168876/n/Airtronics-MX-3X-24-Ghz-FHSS-3-Competition-Pistol-Grip-Radio-w-92744-Receiver..... or the ....http://www.amainhobbies.com/product_info.php/cPath/61_119/products_id/158961/n/Futaba-3PM-X-3-Channel-24Ghz-FASST-Radio-System-w-R603FF-Receiver has anyone had experience with one or the other .ive seen on other forums people have had problems with spektrum transmitters and recevers on the water ...
Futaba 2.4 systems are bullet proof in the air and on the surface.
i have been using the airtronics m11 and i plan on going to the m11 x next yr if all works out.

just stinks buying a new radio.. by the time you get all the recivers you need it is 1000.00

but either the futaba or airtronics is good stuff

Like Ron said,

I've ran nothing but Futaba equipment and never had any issues. I switched over to the FASST system in 2009 and have had the same results.......it works very well.

Futaba FASST is the most proven 2.4 system for the water. I have a 3PKS FASST.
If you get the 3PM 2.4...a good receiver to get is the R603FS... It's like the R603FF but has two antennas!


With the FS Rcvr and long antenna.


Futaba FASST is the most proven 2.4 system for the water. I have a 3PKS FASST.
What's up brother Tim!?

How'd you end up doing at Chesapeake in B-Hydro? I left eary Sun. morning due to all of the carnage that happened (took out a dead boat in the first heat....yeah, that was me...DQ'd :blink: ), also watched my P-mono ride go up in smoke at open water...So that boat was done :eek: .... DOH!!

You have a FAST rigger...I like it!! :D ...SGX?

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Hi Kent,

Well I finished all my heats but no wood.I did however place first at hagertown and second at the fall nats by run off. First for 40 mono also by run off and second with my new sport 40. I'm loving that phil thomas boat.

This year has been very good to me :)on out of town racing and the district 12 points series.

All with the Futaba Brand Radio

Racing and JEP has keep'd me so busy.

Debbie is also doing very very well "I'm a Proud Boyfriend"

Enough about me :p

Are you doing well??


P.S. sorry if we hyjacked this thread :unsure:


With the FS Rcvr and long antenna.


Futaba FASST is the most proven 2.4 system for the water. I have a 3PKS FASST.
What's up brother Tim!?

How'd you end up doing at Chesapeake in B-Hydro? I left eary Sun. morning due to all of the carnage that happened (took out a dead boat in the first heat....yeah, that was me...DQ'd :blink: ), also watched my P-mono ride go up in smoke at open water...So that boat was done :eek: .... DOH!!

You have a FAST rigger...I like it!! :D ...SGX?

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Doing good Bro...Just waiting on my Junker Tunnel right now and Rico mono order will be right behind it! Missed the Haggerstown race (which I heard was excellent...and ecspecially for you it seems!! Congrats! Your girl does very well driving...Keep up the good work with everything!!

BTW...if you need fuel line or ex. tubing, Tim is the man for that stuff...very good packing, shipping and his pricing is excellent!!

Sorry about the thread highjack...my fault!! :D

Futaba Fasst all the way!!

I wouldn't use anything else,seriously.


Doing good Bro...Just waiting on my Junker Tunnel right now and Rico mono order will be right behind it! Missed the Haggerstown race (which I heard was excellent...and ecspecially for you it seems!! Congrats! Your girl does very well driving...Keep up the good work with everything!!

BTW...if you need fuel line or ex. tubing, Tim is the man for that stuff...very good packing, shipping and his pricing is excellent!!

Sorry about the thread highjack...my fault!! :D

Futaba Fasst all the way!!

All good advise.. Follow what the rest say.. no better radio then what the public is saying!

When it comes to radios you dont want to "reach for the stars".. and say.. I aint got it!..

I went to a race this year.. and i saw lots of that.. they wernt Futaba.. and thats all I will say.... :ph34r:

I use this.. http://www3.towerhobbies.com/cgi-bin/wti0001p?&I=LXSNN8&P=7 in my hydros

and this .. http://www3.towerhobbies.com/cgi-bin/wti0001p?&I=LXTHR6&P=ML in my tunnels

All with either the 603ff or 603fs.. (I can not tell the dif between the two)

Just make it a Futaba FASST and your good to go.

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Grim, You should come to one of the Dist. 12 races next season...that would be a blast!! IMO the guys that race in that Dist. are some of the best!! I'm sure you know most of them! Metime needs to be at one of them as well bro! Just a thought for you....
