What do you want me to ask K+B?


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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2001
Her is your chance fellas..

Let me know what you want to ask K+B and i will try and get some answers for you at the Toledo show.

We are leaving Friday morning so the sooner the better..

How can they breathe with their heads up their butt? :-X

Nah just if there is any light at the end of the tunnel, 3.5 class SS and watercooled,

Gene ;)
Parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts partsParts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts Parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts Parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts

I'd be telling them that people won't buy new motors unless there is proper parts backup! You guys considering trusting them again should be asking this before spending your hard earned $$$. how many people bought 7.5 pro's and couldn't get P&L's for over a year? > :(

Parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts Parts Parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts partsparts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts Parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts Parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts.

Just ask them if they are really going to produce any outboards. Not from old parts, but new outboards. If not I believe all of the model boat governing powers should start planning for rules changes and begin encouraging other manufacturers to come out with a stock engine in the 3.5 and 7.5 outboard class. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.


Ray (FROG1)
Hey Grim, Ask them if im evergoing to get my 7.5 pro back after sending it in for warrany repair 12 years ago...

I sent it in on jan 12th 1991, a month before i joined the air force... i still have the postal insurance reciept, let them know if they can PROVE beyond a SHADOW OF A DOUBT THAT I BLEW THE ENGINE, and that their product was in FLAWLESS CONDITION when it left the factory, I'll drop the lawsuit!!!! Also let them know i still have the nastygram they sent me via email, threatening me with harrassment charges!!!!

i scanned the letter for your viewing pleasure...

Shnick ;D
Grimmy, while you're there bending ears, ask old Tom P. when we are going to see an octura.com site!
Yes, I have that one. People keep wanting a direct link to Octura though.

Jerry, He is getting up there in years but I wouldn't be surprized if He is there again. I'll let you know if I see him there.

I had a very lengthy conversation with Tom P about putting his products on line...

While Tom P is running the show its "NOT GOING TO HAPPEN" I like tom but he and his company are not up to speed with todays business model. Yea we all want the home town shops and the like to do business the good ol way but its 2003 and it aint done that way anymore.. At least for a MFG/sales company like his.

I have to tell you Tom P if you are reading this (or whoever is going to tell him) (i already have) that its just to darn easy to click a button and get another MFGs hardware.. Its the way it is like it or not...

Its time to step up to the plate Octura.. If you swing and miss you can always go back in the dugout. In other words what do you have to lose?

Nutty if you ask me.. however i do respect his stand..

If I want an Octura prop, I'm gonna buy an Octura prop. But the two LHS within an hours drive DON'T CARRY BOAT HARDWARE. I am in complete agreement that we should support the LHS. Yesterday I drove 45 miles to buy a $2.98 part, honest. If I could buy them locally, I would. But my boats aren't going to just sit on the bench because I can't get a prop from a local shop.

The LHS that carries Octura isn't going to close it's doors if people can suddenly buy direct from the manufacturer. I order props online -- if I had a choice, what company would I prefer to order online from? Direct from Octura.
I didn't want to open a can of worms but a company like his ought to get with the program. He is coming out with new props and nobody really knows about them.

Lots of dealers want to hear good things about their product and some turn a deaf ear to you.

Case in point, I bought a high Dollar ESC years back from Tekin. It turned out to be a POS. Several others that I knew had them also and had nothing but trouble with them. I confronted a salesman at the Chicago RCHTA show and I guess that he didn't like what I had to say about them in front of other people. When you spend $100.00+ for an ESC back when the top-of-the-line ones were that much, you expect better. Later, the jerk had the nerve to cut in ahead of me in the food line!
Yeah, we kinda slid off topic, didn't we?

I'm sure you'll do us proud Mike, as a representative of the model boating community.

I guess the best thing to do is try and get K&B to see the big picture -- understand the big empty hole in the market and the opportunity it creates.

Then get them to communicate HONESTLY with the public. Let us know what they're up to. If they're going to produce, when......if they're not, why?

We're not stupid. A reasonable explanation will do far more for their credibility and reputation than empty promises.

(PJ falls off soapbox)
[lax clambers over PJ while he writhes in agony onto the soapbox :) ]


i know they're gonna have alot on thier plate, but hopefully this'll be a question they can answer quickly and with a good response [NOT something like, we're working as fast as we can to restart production and blablablabla]:

what engine hardware [collet,mount, flywheel,header] did they use if they actually put thier .18 marine in a hull before selling it? i found the collet after alot of searching and can pass that info on to anyone else with one of these engines, but the only header i found that fits it is a car header that loops around to the back, the flywheel came from PJ [can't exactly expect him to have and give an extra flywheel that happens to fit to everyone who's got the engine], and PJ's also custom making the mount for it! [can't expect everyone to have some batt. packs to trade to him for a mount, even if it would mean he could retire and make engine mounts for a liviing! :p ;D

if they can't answer any of those, ask them if they even tested the **** thing out before running it. thanks,


[lax now steps down off the soapbox, avoiding the medics who are putting PJ's prone form on a stretcher]
