Watch out Wisconsin guys!!!


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Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2002
Hey Grim and WI gang, you better not walk to close to any rivers or ponds, you might get eaten by the "Mysterious Giant Snakehead Fish" Seems they found one in your neck of the woods.

I remember the stories about these things when they were first discovered over hear, gotta real nasty appetite! and they can walk on land......

~ James ;D

(yes, im bored at work : :) )

heres the link~
Just found this too..... 3 days out of water

The snakehead fish, also called serpent-headed fish, is an elongated, torpedo-shaped fish with a small head, big teeth and long dorsal fin. Snakeheads may grow up to 33 inches in length and weigh up to 15 pounds. Snakeheads can live outside of water for up to three days, and some can wiggle overland with extended fins. The name comes from the presence of large scales on the head and the forward placement of the eyes.

sounds like material for a "quality" horror movie.

~ James
What the heck.

Cant be much worce then some of those big Muskies my dad use to catch..

O yea these walk on land!! Look out kids..

No more Skinny Dipping Big B.. ;D

They should see if that fish can live a day in the chicago river, If so we all need to watch out. Hell thats where that goofy fish probably came from.

Did you know the chicago river is still GREEN from when they died it on St. Patties day??

OOOO ****, they dont need to die it.