Wanted: Webmaster for RC boat club site.


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Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2002
Looking for someone who can administer a small website for our boat club. Already have a site - it just needs updating from time to time.

ANyone out there with the know-how and the time to do it interested?

Hi Tim.

See you are getting knocked-over in the rush of applications.

I'll shut up now! Don't want to be seen to be interested, I don't have the time, inclination or ability. I can't even work out all the stuff across the top of this part - ;D

Twin Wide boy Bill.
Hi Tim.

See you are getting knocked-over in the rush of applications.
I'm not surprised Bill ;) But it needs doing and like you I don't have the ability.

Grub has offered a lot of pic's that he took last weekend for the site.

Dale has too much on to look after the site these days :'(
Hello, If anyone needs help with a webpage you can e-mail me about that... I'm currently maintaining a few pages, but I have the time to take on a couple more... You can see what I did for this site...

Thanks to all those who replied.

I'll give Paul a call as he is a member of our club - but if it's no go I'll let you all know!

I can supply hosting for your sites if you like. I run a hosting business as my part time gig and wouldn't mind helping out with a place to put your site.


PS - This goes for everyone.
I'd help out, but with school and work i have very little time to do much else....

I will offer a suggestion take it or leave it...

I looked at the site, and found the background to be distracting, athough a nice pic, maybe you could try a different background or possibly try to wash it out more so it's more like a watermark. also changing the color of the navigation links or possibly using buttons would help them stand out more and lead to less confusion for your viewers.... ok I'm done quoting from the book of GUI designs now and i'll go back to being a happy networker :)

p.s. if you need/want some simple nav buttons shoot me a PM i've got a few that could be easily adapted for you

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