Villain is done..just about


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Too bad you couldn't find enough yellow or black to just paint the cowling one color. I had some yellow left over from painting my Villain/Rinker cowling I'd been glad to send back to Wisconsin.

Looks nice, looking forward to hearing how it runs.

Jerry D.
;DHey Grim,

Very nice looking, good luck with it. What motor are you running? I see K&B stickers but I do not think it is a K&B motor. I have worked on my Mod boat all week and I am getting very good at applying West System and sanding it off. Great stuff but it does not like the cold weather, hope to have it done soon. TB
Geezz I guess I should answer this one..

Chaz there is a little Attach box at the bottom of the blue area. You can attach your JPEG their.

TB The motor on the boat you see is a poop'ed KickButt.

It will be a test bed for many motors and the like.

I had the chance to race against a OS powered Villain this weekend and the boat was fast. I had him on the straits but just. I think with a little more tuning he will be hard to beat.

Rock On

"TB The motor on the boat you see is a poop'ed KickButt."

What does that mean? HE HE HE!
???Hey Grim,

What is that, is that close to a Novarossi motor or is that a really powerful K&B. Later TH :D

The motor on this boat is a nutty unit thats for sure. It is a Piped K+B (poop'ed KickButt) and turns more rpm then any other 21 OB I have ever heard. The motor is not mine but a freind of mine. It use to be Rod G's number 1 motor a few years ago.

Ill keep you posted as to how the boat performs with this motor in it.

O.K Mike,

Now that the Mod Villain is winning races (see other post) I'd like to know if you made any changes to the villain kit for running in Mod class or is it the same as the stock class spec's?


P.S got the fuel cell from Tom last week - that is the BEST fuel tank I've ever seen - I'm saving my dollars and will be placing an order with you for some more tanks very soon. Thanks again.

The Mod Villain S1 still needs some work. It is however set up the same as the stock boats. I do have plans to change the drive angle and make some weight adjustments this friday. The boat is not running as hard as i would like it to. I have a feeling that once i make the changes that the boat will get better.

Buy the way the race I won last weekend was the first Piped race I have won in over 2 years. (o ya it the first piped boat i have drove in two years).. Is this the future of racing for me?? maybe!!......Na ;D....

:D Also thanks for the good words on the Fuel Cell.. Let me know what you need and i will beat the doors down to take care of it.

I have updated our website with info and pictures fron the race.


Tom we need to see about putting a link to our club site on that upper right hand box on Thats a cool feature.


Thanks for the info on the Villain, please let me know how the changes you have planned work out - Stock tunnel is not an option for me!

As for the fuel cell - I will send you an order soon but funds are a bit tight at the moment - moving house shortly (YUK).
Since my Villain S1 is working so well ;Dwith my K&B 3.5ss in NAMBA A Stock Tunnel, I decided to "Super Size" the Villain for 3.5 Mod Tunnel. I kept the same sponson angles and width, but the boat is extended to 29.5 inches. The tunnel width is the same and the shape of the center section is basically the same foil, but slightly lengthened. The motor is offset the same as the Villain S1. I pushed my radio box as far forward as possible. I'm using a Dumas 7.5 plastic cowling. The boat is all WOF(wood over foam). I'm running a CMB Gold Head 21 that Geraghty blessed(whatever that means??) The boat is at least one pound lighter than my HTB 290/CMB 21 LS Green Head. The boat is ready to test and if the wind lets up by tomorrow afternoon, I should get it on the water. I'm thinking of calling the boat, "Villain SC(slightly copied).
ok Mike... i added the pics/info to I also added your clubs page to the list.... but the page currently seems to be dead (your isp's problem most likely) sorry about not thinking to add it before.... just one of those things... old age creeping up on me..... or as my friends like to tell me..... "tom you have a mind as long as a gnats ass"!
Mike, After seeing how crappy the 3.5 OB tunnels around here have been running, it got me thinking of going back to this class. Do you have any shots of the kit as it comes out of the box? I'm not the best kit assembler in the world by far, so 'd like to see what I would be up against.
Last one!

Makes me want to build another.

Remember that Steve H can build it for you.


The Villain is the best wood tunnel boat kit I've ever built :)and I've designed a built a few. And it is competitive :D with anything currently being raced in 3.5 stock.

Jerry Dunlap