The Economics of RC Boating


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I think the best thing you mentioned is to get NAMBA to add the RTR classes to our race

events so that someone would be able to get involved at minimal cost and still have loads of fun.

This will intern keep the LHS interested, and would prompt them to carry at least the RTR

lines available and maybe some basic parts for the serious boat racer.

As you know anyone who gets involved with racing boats and attending are events

will surely be stoked about upgrading to a Seaducer or an Eagle SGX rigger in time once they

learn and feel comfortable.

Our racing folks are for the most part very helpful; and genuine in making it fun for all.

This will promote and grow our hobby, but we need those RTR classes in our NAMBA rules to get

this going.....

I for one enjoy the look of exuberance on some new kids face when there out there

racing and competing, and this can only help our hobby out greatly.



I think the best thing you mentioned is to get NAMBA to add the RTR classes to our race

events so that someone would be able to get involved at minimal cost and still have loads of fun.

This will intern keep the LHS interested, and would prompt them to carry at least the RTR

lines available and maybe some basic parts for the serious boat racer.

As you know anyone who gets involved with racing boats and attending are events

will surely be stoked about upgrading to a Seaducer or an Eagle SGX rigger in time once they

learn and feel comfortable.

Our racing folks are for the most part very helpful; and genuine in making it fun for all.

This will promote and grow our hobby, but we need those RTR classes in our NAMBA rules to get

this going.....

I for one enjoy the look of exuberance on some new kids face when there out there

racing and competing, and this can only help our hobby out greatly.


I just bought a sail boat for days when I don't want to run nitro snortin, hair on fire race boat. I went to the AMYA site for sail boat racing and they have on their FRONT page all kinds of stuff for new dummies like me. They even have a spec RTR class if you want to go buy a boat and race. My point is this, I see nothing wrong with having companies bid on sponsoring a RTR class WITHIN our organization. A way that some guy can buy a boat on friday and race for a trophy on Saturday. You all know what happens on monday, Those boats start breeding. Thats such a good idea i think I'll submit it to IMPBA! How do I do that?