Supplier Issues


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OMG! This is my last post on this web site! Im selling my boats and getting the hell out of this hobby! You guys are just large children that sit on here and bash other peoples names all day. Think about this.....In the grand scheme of things does all this CRAP really matter? You guys are CHILDREN, get off you computer, go play with your toys, and act like adults! Im sure this post will be removed but I hope a few of you read it before its gone. Now you can bash me all you want but I wont see it because Im hanging up this hobby. IM OUT! Have fun KIDS
Why not just give your stuff away then.

People have sent their hard-earned cash to him in exchange for some goods that he didn't deliver on. If you had gotten the shaft from him then it very well could have been you making a thread like this. The Internet is full of scammers and you're going to run into them no matter what you get yourself into.
OMG! This is my last post on this web site! Im selling my boats and getting the hell out of this hobby! You guys are just large children that sit on here and bash other peoples names all day. Think about this.....In the grand scheme of things does all this CRAP really matter? You guys are CHILDREN, get off you computer, go play with your toys, and act like adults! Im sure this post will be removed but I hope a few of you read it before its gone. Now you can bash me all you want but I wont see it because Im hanging up this hobby. IM OUT! Have fun KIDS
Kinda makes me wonder,

Your 3 posts and only 3 posts in 4 1/2 months are to stand up for James. Why would that be? :huh:
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OMG! This is my last post on this web site! Im selling my boats and getting the hell out of this hobby! You guys are just large children that sit on here and bash other peoples names all day. Think about this.....In the grand scheme of things does all this CRAP really matter? You guys are CHILDREN, get off you computer, go play with your toys, and act like adults! Im sure this post will be removed but I hope a few of you read it before its gone. Now you can bash me all you want but I wont see it because Im hanging up this hobby. IM OUT! Have fun KIDS
Fascinating. Your only posts on this site were in this thread. Two of them were attempting to silence a discussion that you obviously don't like. If it bothered you so, after reading it the first time, why did you choose to open the thread again? Also, if you're quitting the hobby because you read one thread that said things you didn't like, one has to wonder how dedicated you were in the first place? Of course that's assuming that you really are quitting the hobby. I'm probably not the only one who wonders why you're so bothered by this discussion. :D
OMG! This is my last post on this web site! Im selling my boats and getting the hell out of this hobby! You guys are just large children that sit on here and bash other peoples names all day. Think about this.....In the grand scheme of things does all this CRAP really matter? You guys are CHILDREN, get off you computer, go play with your toys, and act like adults! Im sure this post will be removed but I hope a few of you read it before its gone. Now you can bash me all you want but I wont see it because Im hanging up this hobby. IM OUT! Have fun KIDS
Why would this post get removed? This site allows people to freely discuss there problems and concerns. Thanks for expressing your thoughts.
OMG! This is my last post on this web site! Im selling my boats and getting the hell out of this hobby! You guys are just large children that sit on here and bash other peoples names all day. Think about this.....In the grand scheme of things does all this CRAP really matter? You guys are CHILDREN, get off you computer, go play with your toys, and act like adults! Im sure this post will be removed but I hope a few of you read it before its gone. Now you can bash me all you want but I wont see it because Im hanging up this hobby. IM OUT! Have fun KIDS
You post shows your maturity level!! "I don't like it I quit" sounds like a teenager trying to get out of mowing the lawn. lol. you're the only one who has only posted irrational words. everyone else has a point and proof to back them up. Where's YOUR proof? The only proof I see is that you're a acting just as your accusing?????? I have said this over and over. this post is not to bash anyone or any business. Its to gather facts and deal with a minor problem. If you don't agree DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME!!!! Oh and here we don't just delete posts becuase we disagree!
James and TLR both suck .I purchased some product it was junk i returned it it got "lost" and he gave me a partial refund, would not fill out the paperwork needed to get the rest from the post office.

That should tell you somthing about a person that would not fill out 4 blanks on a form and return it postade paid.

He ripped me... but luckily for only 50.00 of the 180.00 i spent.

50.00 bucks is s cheap life lesson..

I no buy no moe junk from poopy company spanky..

Yo badcat26,

Who do you think you are fooling?

Have you seen the new poll?
suspect his satisfied customers limit their discussions of him to posts on rtrzone, their little private club, where anyone they don't like, such as those who dare to disagree with Mr TLR, are banned. The funny thing about that place is that it's OK for those in the inner circle to say whatever they want about others, but if you're not in the circle, you better be careful what you say.
I remember when I was booted from a previous inner circle. NOT FAIR

3 posts on here.. do think you will be missed?..............


the funny thing is, this is the second person with zero prior post that comes in here in 4 months. They both came from RTR Zone, said all we did was bash people, that they were selling everything and never coming back on our site and tried to cover for James.

Mysterious. :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

the funny thing is, this is the second person with zero prior post that comes in here in 4 months. They both came from RTR Zone, said all we did was bash people, that they were selling everything and never coming back on our site and tried to cover for James.

Mysterious. :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

I think they're just jealous cause there's only 700 members on the zone and only 200 have made a single post. The only ones that make posts get booted. Can't they see they are their own worst enemy. Especially when they come on here and act the way they have and just point fingers at every body else. Didn't your mother teach you that when you point the finger there's three of your own fingers pointing at you? :D
They all came to a few races in district 3 then when everyone started getting ripped they all dissapeared mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I'm not trying to stir the pot here, but I have purchased items from Twisted with out any problems. Yes you will see I don't have many post on this site, but that is because I only have the one nitro boat all of my others are gas. I'm not going to get into a pissing match, just wanted to let you know that some satisfied customers do exist.
geez.... james must love this post.....

he just loves attention! doesen't matter what kind. You guys are just making him feel good!

everybody agrees that james is an (insert bad word here).

lets just drop this now.... because he does not deserve the attention.
As Tom said, Stop posting on this thread and let it die. Tampa has asked for private messages as to illicit activities that customers are unhappy with on the part of this supplier. Lets do as he wishes and let this sorry subject die.
As Tom said, Stop posting on this thread and let it die. Tampa has asked for private messages as to illicit activities that customers are unhappy with on the part of this supplier. Lets do as he wishes and let this sorry subject die.
Thank you Scott. It is more beneficial to send me a PM with your breif complaints so that I can forward to my attorney than it is to post more replies. I think we all get the point. Out of all these replies only one person has come forward with a positive attitude. That reassures me that I'm doing the right thing. Again, I started this thread to put an end to a MINOR problem. I am also begining production of a higher quality product for the RTR boats. That along with the proper legal proceedures will put an end to this problem. TLR will have no choice but to provide a better product with a better service. Hopefully in the end I will be doing him a favor by forcing him to reorganize his business and I will also help protect the consumers. Show your RTR support and visit the RTR hull Type forum, post pictures of your RTR boats stock, modified, completed or in progress. We love to see pictures. Thank you, to all.


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